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Crown Sales!

Nov 23, 2008
Wouldn't it be cool if sometimes there were crown sales. Like the membership sometimes it goes on sale for $60. I was hopign that crowns online could sometimes go on sales when that happens on different times or during holidays. Say for 80 dollars it became 60 and 50 dollars became 40 and 25 dollars became 20 or something like that.

Also I was hoping after you buy lots of crowns could you get like discounts or like free crowns. I have spent over $300 on crowns and membership atleast with the gift cards and all but can't there be a way like next time I buy crowns I get some credit towards my next purchase or a little discount or even like after every $50 spent you get $10 extra or something. I know they give you extra when you buy in bulk but my parents never let me buy in bulk. The max they have ever let me spent is $25 online and the $20 gift cards. Overall I have spent tons of money but have got the fewest crowns. I still love this game though it is awesome. Please leave your suggestions and support here.
