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Concept of Absorbs at max level

Sep 30, 2018
Hi, as the title dictates am having a hard time understanding the concept design behind absorbs. You see when you compare absorbs to spells like tower shield it almost make me wonder if absorb were either poorly design or not really thought out true to its nature. A tower shield for example offers a -50% deduction on all incoming spells, meanwhile absorbs basically act the same for way less and more pip cost. Tower shields can now be stack on top of each other with -50% and -55% but you can't do that with absorbs? Absorbs like spirit armor aren't really worth the 3 pips if their aren't greater than 1000 strength, even still is it still worth it? I believe this is one of the most underrated concept in the game. One of the contributed factor towards this is the high excessive damage already presented at max level where as every school is able to do 1000+ damage on 2 pip spell or higher. So it really doesn't make sense to have an absorb on life shadow enhance spell caterpillar. I, also believe it should rightfully be change into something that offers a +35% global damage bubble or a +40% blade before casting, which would help a lot with life already low damage compared to ice school.