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Changing the gender/name of your wizards

Jun 28, 2011
I've been playing this game since I was super young It's been one of my favorite games for a while and I still love coming back to it. The one thing that always stops me and forces me to hesitate when I start to come back is my wizards themselves. I made these wizards back before I knew much about myself. Since then I've discovered many things and one of those is that I prefer seeing myself in games as female. Because of the way wizard101 is structured at the moment I'm basically forced to deadname myself if I want to play on my old wizards. At this point after the game has been out for so long I feel like there's many players who either are in a similar spot to me or that just want to change their name to something they prefer seeing as so many of us made out wizards years and years ago when we were completely different people.