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Can no longer pvp on my pvp level 70 character cause of the changes.

May 11, 2009
i have a level 75 pvp character i worked very hard on to get it to where it's at right now and i can no longer use it for what it was intended for thx to these changes that are added. There is no pvp arena for levels 70-80 or 11-19 or even 20-30 or even 30-40. i don't understand they completely discarded Other pvpers who wanna pvp in other certain areas in levels. now no one can even do low level pvp in general either there is no more 1-10 pvp now?

is there ever going to be a change to fix this or update this to add it or what? my last topic on this was removed some reason that was never given or understood so i hope this makes it to the view and at least considered.