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Buying Crown Gear only in the Crowns Shop.

Mar 12, 2010
I have tried it, but I do not like having to buy crown gear (hats, robes, shoes, wands, etc.) ONLY through the Crowns Shop.

I used to know that if I wanted to buy a certain level of crown gear, which world I would go to and buy it from the shopkeeper. Example: Level 15 gear -- I would go to Krokotopia and look for hat, shoes, or whatever.

Higher levels would be available in the higher level worlds.

I have tried to used the Crowns Shop. I have sorted the gear by type (hats, etc.), and I have sorted by price (lowest to highest). But I find it so hard and so time-consuming to find what I want. I end up looking at all the levels and all the prices, and then they throw in the special 3-piece outfits, and the outfits that are just for looks and have no stats on them, and sometimes I actually forgot what level I was looking for... Lately I have just been giving up. I go to the Bazaar and shop.

I liked it better the other way ... Shopkeepers have crown items ...