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Buy Back training points day?

May 31, 2010

Hello KI and fellow wizards

I am humbly requesting a day/week to buy back my training points at a discount. Reason being Celestia.

I have been playing the test realm with my grand death and realizing I need to adjust my playing style for these new bosses , and would like to have a few more of the new schools spells. I want to remove my second school spells all together. Currently I won't be able to handle celestia with my deck. Now granted , I should have prepared better for celestia , but I had no idea when it would be released nor did I know it would be this difficult.
I already bought back training points once with this wizard, she was the first one I created , and didnt know what to expect. I find myself in the same position once again with this new world. I would like to think some of the other newer wizards will be going through the same thing. Maybe it could be a special treat , in our trick or treat bag? : )

Just thought I would throw it out there for consideration , thanks for a great game.