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Adding new adventures without leaving existin

Jan 15, 2009
Just and idea, but as we all know wondering througout the spiral there are many building and homes we run accross in our travels.
But instead of being just great seanery, how fun would it be to come aross a random doorway to a building that is open, an once you enter you are faced with either a duel or a wooden, silver or even a gold treasure chest? Maybe a posibuily of a secret shop, selling a small amount or various items. Nothing special, but everyonce in a while a random doorway will lead to a REAL treat, a drop of a holiday hat or boots, unusual reagent, or even a rare treasure card, or a pet snack from the mega pet snack pack.
This would add a new demention to the Worlds of the Spiral, not only would you be traveling to you next quest but would add a great sence of "I wonder whats arond the next bend" experiance that would alow a player no mater what the level to enjoy taking the time to travel throughout the spirals worlds. This would also add a bit of personal adventure for the player as well.
We all love having that one item that makes your friends ask "WERE DID YOU GET THAT" and not everyone needs to be able to get the same thing, an as well, not every item you get needs to be an "EPIC" item.
An as programing is concernd this would not be to bad to do, a few basic room sets for each world, along with a few random events a player might encounter. As when you find a silver chest, once a player has activated the event it's randomly placed elswere and can not be reactivaed. The doorway is closed, an is a personal battle or room to be in. If you are defeated you just leave the room with full health as if nothing happend.
Well just a thought the kids and I were kicking around, I know they were excited talking about it so I just thought I'd pass it along.

May 17, 2009
I like it, but maybe you should have to fight the enemy first, then get the treasure, and the enemy would be the one you most recently fought, so it would be fair. Cause it would be kinda cheap if you could get free stuff.