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30 Ways to Save Wizard City!

Apr 10, 2018
Save wizard city. We always talk about as a collective group what we could add and fix to make this game better. In order to revive the community to what it once was.
I am going to list out 101 ways wizard101 developers can breathe life back into the game one more time. These 30 ways
are going to be divided into 3 parts. The most needed, the moderate needed, and the less needed.

--Most needed.
1. A complete PVP rework and re balance.
-PVP right now has way to many things that are overpowered. This problem causes frustration in the community and causes
many others to quit.
2. Free to play needs to be expanded through dragonspyre.
-This would allow the community from and the new wizards that would come and be able to enjoy the original campaign of
wizard101. Through dragonspyre sounds like a lot but with all of the new worlds coming out this would help breathe
life into the game with loads of content for new players. This also helps with problem #3
3. Crowns need to be less focused so many people feel they are not forced to buy items.
-For instance, many mmorpgs combat this in a few different ways they make an auction house or they make the item drop
really rare from a boss.
4. A Bazaar in every few worlds would be great.
-This would allow players to sell in any world to the same bazaar that we love so much. This would also add
easier access for selling and overall would be a great quality of life change
5. Spell reworks
-There are some spells like the shadow spell wings of fate that could use a buff.
6. Packs and Bundles
- Bundles and packs are great and are full of content, but we could take a pause. The game has in the past year the
game has become full of buy this or buy that. What about the story content or the graphics updates and the spell updates.
7. Spell updates
-They are slowly coming in bit by bit but this needs to be focused. The reason being if a new player comes into
Wizard101 they will first see the spells. If they look bad then sometimes that will turn others away.
8.Graphic updates to worlds.
-When the first graphic update released there were many old veterans coming back and playing the game again. If
this were to happened all the way up to dragonspyre and those worlds became free. Then many people would come back
just to play and have fun!
9. Lack of advertising
-The last time I have seen a wizard101 commercial that I saw was in 2016. After the graphics updates and changes
the game should be popular once again.
10. The worlds need to feel alive.
-Majority of the houses in any world you will find are closed this makes the world feel like a box. In order to fix this
we could add many vendors or even random NPCS in every house that came from wizard city. This we will always carry
a little of wizard city with us no matter how far we travel in the spiral.
11. Making the jump mechanic useful.
- This could be brought out easily by allowing players with mounts to jump over fences, bushes, vines and other fun stuff.
This would allow the world to feel less in a box.
12. Making the beginning of the game more fun.
The best feelings in any game is when you feel overpowered, or your in the middle of a nail biting moment.
13. Changing the pet games
-In May of 2010 wizard101 released the pet pavilion. In many more ways than one this released a fun area. Now many
wizards are trying to train up their pet. This process becomes very tedious but allowing wizards to feed their
pets snacks at anytime would be a simple fix. Changing the games that are in the pet pavilion to make them shorter or better would make the tedious hard part of pets become easier.
14. Achievements/Titles
-In most mmorpgs every title you get gives you something like +4 damage. This would be a fun add-on to the game.
15. Elixers.
- If every cheat boss/skeleton key boss in the game could drop elixers then the wizards will be more pleased.
16. Removing help chat.
-Every game that has been made for kids in 2019-2020. Have all removed any kind of help chat. This helped many people
become more imursed in the game and let them interact.
17. Open chat should be open
-If the people is 18 and they have open chat let it be open.
18. Text chat
- Numbers cannot be said, many things cannot be said the we would love to say as a community. Also if the account holder
was 10 when he/she made the account and now he/she is 18 let them have open chat.
19. A new way to battle
-What if there was a two person only battle, or eight people in a battle together fighting against eight enemies.
20. A skip animation option
-Sometimes battles will take hours and hours. In order to fix this in a reasonable manor what if we make a skip. This would go by majority rules of course and every play had the option to click yes or no.
---Moderately Needed----
21. The Developers and the community need to be together.
-There are many times where the community will say stuff on Reddit and or the forums that has been looked over. For instance like what people want added into the game. For instance blaze lifehammer has said a few of these things and we have not
gotten them.
22. Mobs pull to hard
-Sometimes mobs will pull you when your on the side walk in avalon/zafaria/azteca/khrysalis/mooshu
23. Mooshu and krockatopia =too much walking
-Mooshu and krockatopia needs to have teleporters that allow the player to teleport to the area like mirage with the carpets.
24. Events are good and all
-Events are good and all but without the proper fixes and changes then many people will not play in them. This causes
events like beast moon hunt to be empty sometimes.
25. A new school
- I know it might ruin the story to have a shadow school or sun or moon but many mmos like world of warcraft introduce
a new class as a higher level or from a new world.
26. Free weekends
-Make the whole game free for a free weekend and then advertise this on steam like crazy.
27. More free options for wizards.
-Many people have said the game is way to expensive to keep going on adding more free options would help.
---Less Needed---
28. Battle animation bug fix
-This is where the people in the battle are in a jumping position.
29. Open the cage in the arcanum
-It has been sitting there for the past three worlds.
30. Add more spells for the new players and for the old players
-The new players need more AOE spells to make the game less tedious in the start. The old players have new teachers
who have only actually taught us one spell. Scion is a good spell but it is so cost effective.