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2nd Arc Finale: Things KI Should Consider

Dec 19, 2008
Alura BH on Jul 8, 2013 wrote:
Uh a century is 10 years ...
No ...
A decade is 10 years,
A century is 100 years ...

Ethan StarSword, Lvl 84

Feb 16, 2010
robotdino123 on Jun 6, 2013 wrote:
101: perfect cap! (Duh! Wizard 101!)

After you fight Ambrose though, you should become headmaster!

I also think that before you become headmaster you should try to find out who your family is:

You do a lot of questing in Wizard City and eventually find out everyone in your family is dead! The only person that's alive is your great great grandpa.You ask Ambrose if he can help you find your grandpa. It turns out that it's Merle Ambrose himself!

This shouldn't be the end of the game, just the chapter. You become headmaster of Ravenwood and have to do tons of questing in 5 different worlds, though to get rid of all evil. Then you become headmaster, Ravenwood is safe, and the game continues on . You won't level up though. After 5 years of being hm, 2 new wizards want to become headmasters. But they doesn't go to the school. They just wants to take over. With the help of Ambrose (Whos still alive), you find out that Morganthe and Malistaire were siblings. Malistaire had a long lost son and Morganthe had a long lost daughter. They are the new wizards. They want to take over cause thay want to avenge their parents death. Then you have do a whole new chapter!

Thats all I got.
cool but morganthe is WAY older than mali

Mar 13, 2012
I think the next world should be challanging enough, but not overly challanging like Azteca.

Alura Battleheart , Alura Rainheart , Brecken Storytalon, Krestal Wintergrove,
Rachel Dragonheart , and Olivia.

Jul 10, 2009
Possibly instead of a accumulative boss that concludes an arc in the final world, maybe Kingsisle should create a boss in each world in the next arc and in the last dungeon, modify them to be in the final dungeon.
This would support the supposed "world theme" everyone demanded again and again in the 2nd arc. Just a suggestion, kind of tired of having a boss that runs away each time there's a chance to defeat it.

Dec 17, 2011
minecraftcutiegirl... on May 18, 2013 wrote:
1st Of All, Heck what are you thinking? Merle Ambrose would Never Ever turn on you seriously, He's The One Who Brought You To Wizard City!

2d Of All, Level 100? Too Small! I Would Rather It Be 800+ Yes, I Know Its Long But Still!

3rd Of All, 100,000 Health? Well I Understand Because Theres A One In A Million Badge But Still

Believe it or not, some people would think 100,000 would be pretty easy, because I think Malistaire once had that much health. But that was back when you were forced to have four people with you.

Blake FireGem

Feb 06, 2010
nicholasshadowforg... on May 15, 2013 wrote:
For the final world of the spiral, the last boss should be Morganthe. 100,000 health, , no cheats, no minion. After she is defeated, You return to Merle as usual to tell him of your success. But then there's a twist. Merle decides that you have grown too powerful, a threat to the spiral. He takes it upon himself to battle you and to rid you from the spiral. After all is sorted out, Merle learns that Morganthe, in her final moments, cursed him. Then you comlete the game at lvl 100.

~Nicholas Shadowforge~
Way too simple. Even morganthe in her younger years had cheats. I say 50,000 health, cheats, 3 minions, no big boring gauntlet. And the gear should be good (I hate using WW ear at level 90, so embarrassing). KI, we need you now. She should drop gear so amazing that I drop my sandwich. Don't make the spells and gear a power house (We have puppets now). Plus Merle should die but give you a book. This book shall be the guide towards saving the spiral. Cyrus and Lydia will assist you. Gamma will disappear and not be found until where here is captured by Idris Beast Taker. He took gamma to be sold to a dark rogue-like wizard. Then the spiral falls apart. A theurigist comes by. She is merle's sister. She heals him back to life and tells you three words then tells you to tell Cyrus those words. Cyrus gasps and says "The skies have fallen" as in her ritual. You report to ambrose. He simply instructs you to go to the haunted cave and check nightshade's tower. A note is there saying "The Aztecasaurs are alive." You are alarmed. You look at Azteca from Halley's observatory but Azteca is destroyed. You see that they have scattered themselves amongst the spiral. Then Diego vanishes and leaves a note that says "Nothing is safe. Share no secrets. You are being watched." You tell the greatest PvP duelist (Roland) to help you. He says he should have helped his father. His father is the royal king of Marleybone. He is aware of this. You go to MB but the king is on vacation is Wizard City. Something doesn't seem right to you. You find the king trapped by nighshade n the Haunted Cave. But Nightshade is much more powerful and he is out for revenge. Later after some bosses etc. you find Diego in Mooshu telling a colleague about this. And so on.

Jun 30, 2009
RavenLady777 on May 15, 2013 wrote:
And all of KI's customers go away.
Nope, a game such as this simply cannot 'end' - ever - if they want keep their customer base and stay in business
Raven Lady,

It would make sense somewhat if Ambrose was to die, because J. Todd Coleman left, and the Cosmic spells mentioned (ooh,September Surprises!) makes some sense. Morganthe has been out for Merle's hide since she was younger.

Besides, when soap operas have someone leave, their character dies, or moves somewhere else and dies.

Jun 30, 2009
MythWizardForeves on May 19, 2013 wrote:
:) it all feels like reading the biggest, most wonderful book in the world with lots of pictures lolz. I wish to read ahead in this grand book, but know if I did it would ruin all the fun. I hope there are many many chapters but I will still always think the first "classic" chapter was the best, for it brings back old memories of fun and no cares. Although this game gets more stressful as it progresses to high levels and stronger bosses I could never quit playing. I would be losing a world of imagination and friends. :)
Just a thought, maybe they should start putting them in chapter form since Prof. Greyrose has said there are many more chapters to come.

At the top maybe have Chapter 1: Malistaire and Chapter 2: Morganthe

Any thoughts Critical?

Timothy Pearflower, L90

Mar 17, 2012
RavenLady777 on May 15, 2013 wrote:
And all of KI's customers go away.
Nope, a game such as this simply cannot 'end' - ever - if they want keep their customer base and stay in business
exactly you are 100% right no doubt.

Dec 27, 2011
The world after Azteca has to be the best world so far!

Antonio, Level 50 Grandmaster Pyromancer

Feb 21, 2010
I like the ideas!

And please, keep the story going! It rocks!

P.S. I think topping is good, but I agree high wizards should start getting AWESOME stuff to help them with these harder and harder worlds-- like the introduction of the critical!

Like, maybe, high wizards start getting abilities to "cheat" like some bosses, only it would, of course, be harder for us. For example, maybe Ice gets a spell that regenerates a -50% shield whenever it's removed for 3 rounds or something? Or Balance gets a spell that removes any traps that are put on them for three rounds? Or Death gets a spell that transfers traps back to the giver for 3 rounds. Something cool like that. We already have the guardian angel spell and mana burn. Make more like that!

Just Ideas

Rebecca Emeraldflame lvl 75 sorcerer

Apr 26, 2010
The things that Cunning Finnigan S... suggest are perfect! I agree with his suggestions, especially the gear and the funny story lines. I think that all of that would help recapture the magic of this fantastic game!

Nicholas Legendbringer level 72

Dec 21, 2009
Cunning Finnigan S... on Apr 25, 2013 wrote:
We are one world away from completing this story and closing the book to Morganthe for good (hopefully...). As of that, here's a list to the things I really feel Kingsisle should do for us in the next expansion:

-Morganthe MUST drop a full, powerful, rare gear set for each school just like Malistaire did. It should include stats stronger than the WW gear. Should haves a fair amount of just about every stat (minus Energy). You've gotten us this far into the story, and now players want to see a fabulous reward like new gear. I would also suggest giving every school their own gear look, not one gear style that every school gets like WW. Make Pyromancer's gear on fire, or Theurgist get an earth-toned amor. The gear should also not only hit the school's strong points but also bring up their weaker points.
-Bring out a plethera of new pets to be boughten, dropped, purchased from a bundle, or won from a hoard/lore pack (Zafaria was heavily lacking to me and Azteca, while it brought 6 new dino pets, all were not dropped)
-Hold any insane amount of difficulty. After Azteca, Wizards, I feel, don't need to see another hardcore area. Since Azteca and Zafaria really brought the hurt, and Avalon wasn't too bad, the final world must be easier than Azteca but not simple as it would feel off putting (look at Dragonspyre). Bring the hurt around the final battle please.
-Let the world quest line mirror Avalon's. Of all the 2nd Arc worlds, Avalon was the most appealing. Mix up the story instead of repetitive quests as most found unappealing in Zafaria and Azteca. Don't be afraid to put the answer to our problems right in front of us instead of fighting a boss. Give us a reward to look for like the Sword of Kings.
-Have this world give multiple training points like Celestia and Avalon.
-Provide us with new school pets, Rank 11 Spells, and 2-5 new school utility spells.
-If Utility spells and Astral Spells are to appear, it's on or the other. One can be simply provided without doing a fight quest, and the other a boss fight, but not both.
-Azteca mobs and bosses need to loose treasure card/item card versions of our spells. Give them regular versions and move those to the final world or get rid of them all together.
-In a story sense, make Morganthe do something evil that affects us, the Students, such as injury Ambrose or Cyrus or attack Ravenwood.
-Answer the question: What happened to the Eye of History? somewhere in the quest line.
-Go graphically big! Blow our minds with an epic cenimatic beginning and ending as well as affects throughout this world.
-Whatever spells we get in this world, mobs MUST not know them before us (I am unsure why you guys broke that golden chain. If it was, as Professor Falmea said, to slow us down that's cool but as the last world, don't go over board).
-Bring out as much humor, puns, and crude humor as possible like Zafaria-Azteca (don't remember much from Celestia). Make us laugh.

(And the crowd goes wild, mostly)

Only problem with that is that it would seriously change pvp, 1. it would create juggernauts that would be nearly impossible to defeat, so weakness thing would make anybody without it have to have a team of 4 (unless the level of the person with it, then maybe 2) people without that gear that are experianced PvP fighters. 2. other than that, AWESOME!!!! Sorry if I insulted anyone reading this thread.

Dec 14, 2008
This is how i want the final world of the morganthe arc to be. You go to the world Polaris and find the Morganthe has already created her kingdom. you travel the world defeating her army and freeing the innocent. along the way you fight old enemies you'd thought you'd seen the last of... (Jade oni, Rattle bones, Blackhope, Salgio, to name a few). Morganthe has brought them back and they are far more powerful! finaly after defeating your old huants you make it to morganthes castle (a dungeon). After fighting some shadow webs you find morganthe at the other end of a long hall. she says "come fourth if you dare!" (then a cutscene of some of your wizards toughest battles) then you reach morganthe and the fight begins!

Morgathe- health-35,000 cheat- until defeated her minions will return
minions- Malistair the undying (his death in azteca seemed staged). cheats- same as in azteca but no universal immunity.

other minion- random boss from past.

after you win morgathe says "no! i wont lose just yet! let's see just how powerful you are against the mirror!"

next fight- yourself! a wizard with stats, spells, ang gear just like yours. (the number of minons equal and copy the wizards who entered) no cheats but a cool fight.

final boss-morgathe health-50,000 no minons. cheats-randomly casts level 48 spells for no pips. when health reaches 40,000- ever 2 turns she'll cast either a 1000 point meteor strike or a 500 point earthquake. when health reaches 30,000- casts smoke screen, weakness, and infection on all players every turn. 20,000- interrupts all attacks with a tower shield. 10,000- will always have MAX pips even after casting a spell. will only use attack spells. can attack twice.

After you win Morganthe is destroyed but claims that somehow she will have her revenge. you return to merle and tell him the good new. he thanks you but says that since the book of secrets hasn't renturned you home, there will be another threat soon... time for a new arc!

Aug 06, 2009
Alura BH on Jul 8, 2013 wrote:
Uh a century is 10 years ...
A century is 100 years a decade is 10 years

Jun 24, 2012
For the next world, when you hit lvl 95, there should be a new pip.It should equal three pips so there can be new and better spells Make it a quest also

Sean BattleSpear 90

May 06, 2009
Promethean oxnhors... on Aug 20, 2013 wrote:
Raven Lady,

It would make sense somewhat if Ambrose was to die, because J. Todd Coleman left, and the Cosmic spells mentioned (ooh,September Surprises!) makes some sense. Morganthe has been out for Merle's hide since she was younger.

Besides, when soap operas have someone leave, their character dies, or moves somewhere else and dies.
If Ambrose were to die, it would be a very dramatic and sorrowful end to the story. I would kinda like to see that, but at the same time Ambrose, like Malistaire, is a very beloved character of KI and the community. I think they may just try a Star Wars or Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows reference where Ambrose comes back as a ghost. Who will run Ravenwood? Who knows? Profesor Greyrose or Falmea are good canidates in my opinion. But I'm unsure what KI has planned. That's the beauty (and pain) in surprises.

Ooh, September Surprises! is just my thread on whats to come. So far we have one down with our big month long party celebration. So 1/3. Next month holds a new expansion for the Haunted Cave and November/December have sealed leaps on this new world.

Jun 30, 2009
Cunning Finnigan S... on Sep 19, 2013 wrote:
If Ambrose were to die, it would be a very dramatic and sorrowful end to the story. I would kinda like to see that, but at the same time Ambrose, like Malistaire, is a very beloved character of KI and the community. I think they may just try a Star Wars or Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows reference where Ambrose comes back as a ghost. Who will run Ravenwood? Who knows? Profesor Greyrose or Falmea are good canidates in my opinion. But I'm unsure what KI has planned. That's the beauty (and pain) in surprises.

Ooh, September Surprises! is just my thread on whats to come. So far we have one down with our big month long party celebration. So 1/3. Next month holds a new expansion for the Haunted Cave and November/December have sealed leaps on this new world.
So November or December is when the new world comes out? Did you ever get a chance to read the spin I put on your post of 2nd Arc, about how you thought the end should go?

I have had my own interpretation of how I thought the 2nd Arc would end and the 3rd would begin. It also gave my ideas on tying up lose ends in the 2nd Arc with Aquila.

Timothy Pearlflower, L90

Jun 30, 2009
critical death on Aug 7, 2013 wrote:
Way too simple. Even morganthe in her younger years had cheats. I say 50,000 health, cheats, 3 minions, no big boring gauntlet. And the gear should be good (I hate using WW ear at level 90, so embarrassing). KI, we need you now. She should drop gear so amazing that I drop my sandwich. Don't make the spells and gear a power house (We have puppets now). Plus Merle should die but give you a book. This book shall be the guide towards saving the spiral. Cyrus and Lydia will assist you. Gamma will disappear and not be found until where here is captured by Idris Beast Taker. He took gamma to be sold to a dark rogue-like wizard. Then the spiral falls apart. A theurigist comes by. She is merle's sister. She heals him back to life and tells you three words then tells you to tell Cyrus those words. Cyrus gasps and says "The skies have fallen" as in her ritual. You report to ambrose. He simply instructs you to go to the haunted cave and check nightshade's tower. A note is there saying "The Aztecasaurs are alive." You are alarmed. You look at Azteca from Halley's observatory but Azteca is destroyed. You see that they have scattered themselves amongst the spiral. Then Diego vanishes and leaves a note that says "Nothing is safe. Share no secrets. You are being watched." You tell the greatest PvP duelist (Roland) to help you. He says he should have helped his father. His father is the royal king of Marleybone. He is aware of this. You go to MB but the king is on vacation is Wizard City. Something doesn't seem right to you. You find the king trapped by nighshade n the Haunted Cave. But Nightshade is much more powerful and he is out for revenge. Later after some bosses etc. you find Diego in Mooshu telling a colleague about this. And so on.

I like this idea of yours, but do you think KI will go for it? Cunning Finnigan has a good idea on how the "2nd Arc" ends, and I put some ideas in that I have asked him to read. Please look up Cunning for "2nd Arc" and comment about what both of us have said and see if we can square the ideas.

Timothy Pearlflower, L90 Ice

May 06, 2009
Promethean oxnhors... on Sep 23, 2013 wrote:
So November or December is when the new world comes out? Did you ever get a chance to read the spin I put on your post of 2nd Arc, about how you thought the end should go?

I have had my own interpretation of how I thought the 2nd Arc would end and the 3rd would begin. It also gave my ideas on tying up lose ends in the 2nd Arc with Aquila.

Timothy Pearlflower, L90
Yes, I did read your post. You have some good ideas!

However, Eurydice was never evil by mythological terms. The Orpheus quest was used to make a good way to allude to Pirate101 (as he makes an appearance in that game) as well as reference the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. Introducing a new villian in the sense that you did would not be bad, but I have mixed feeling personally on seeing a new villian we never met before (how odd, as I'm head over heals about Morganthe and she came up the same way). I guess I can't see Eurydice as a villian, but I like the way you interpreted it.

How the current story is written, I don't think Belladonna Crisp was ever a student under Merle Ambrose but Ambrose is centuries old so it's possible. As far as I've seen of the 2nd Arc, Morganthe is the only apprentice we know of that went evil under Merle Ambrose (I think his first and only apprentice).

I like the use of the Immortals of Aquila for the ending. I'm not sure if they would actually be used for the main story (it would be really cool though), but I like that you included them.

P.S.- By the way things are going based off of Professor Falmea's Producer's Letter, yes it would seem Novemember or December is about the time for the new world, because Septermber brought the major flashback with a twist by taking the Pioneer and Frontier dragon pets some first players of the game and "spooky" is term best used for the Hallowe'en season which is just around the corner.

Jun 30, 2009
Noobman 1 on Aug 4, 2013 wrote:
Believe it or not, some people would think 100,000 would be pretty easy, because I think Malistaire once had that much health. But that was back when you were forced to have four people with you.

Blake FireGem

Malistire had 10,000 in DS, and in Xilbaba he had an unlimited amount of health, because he was sustained by 3 minions of various health amounts. He fell to Azteca when his 3 minions were taken care of.

Take a look at the thread "2nd Arc Ending" that Cunning Finnigan posted. It his opinion as to how the 2nd arc will end. I also posted there too, giving my opinion as to how the lose ends should be tied together, culminating in a 3rd arc possibility.

Timothy Pearflower, Promethean Ice

Apr 18, 2009
Cunning Finnigan S... on Apr 25, 2013 wrote:
We are one world away from completing this story and closing the book to Morganthe for good (hopefully...). As of that, here's a list to the things I really feel Kingsisle should do for us in the next expansion:

-Morganthe MUST drop a full, powerful, rare gear set for each school just like Malistaire did. It should include stats stronger than the WW gear. Should haves a fair amount of just about every stat (minus Energy). You've gotten us this far into the story, and now players want to see a fabulous reward like new gear. I would also suggest giving every school their own gear look, not one gear style that every school gets like WW. Make Pyromancer's gear on fire, or Theurgist get an earth-toned amor. The gear should also not only hit the school's strong points but also bring up their weaker points.
-Bring out a plethera of new pets to be boughten, dropped, purchased from a bundle, or won from a hoard/lore pack (Zafaria was heavily lacking to me and Azteca, while it brought 6 new dino pets, all were not dropped)
-Hold any insane amount of difficulty. After Azteca, Wizards, I feel, don't need to see another hardcore area. Since Azteca and Zafaria really brought the hurt, and Avalon wasn't too bad, the final world must be easier than Azteca but not simple as it would feel off putting (look at Dragonspyre). Bring the hurt around the final battle please.
-Let the world quest line mirror Avalon's. Of all the 2nd Arc worlds, Avalon was the most appealing. Mix up the story instead of repetitive quests as most found unappealing in Zafaria and Azteca. Don't be afraid to put the answer to our problems right in front of us instead of fighting a boss. Give us a reward to look for like the Sword of Kings.
-Have this world give multiple training points like Celestia and Avalon.
-Provide us with new school pets, Rank 11 Spells, and 2-5 new school utility spells.
-If Utility spells and Astral Spells are to appear, it's on or the other. One can be simply provided without doing a fight quest, and the other a boss fight, but not both.
-Azteca mobs and bosses need to loose treasure card/item card versions of our spells. Give them regular versions and move those to the final world or get rid of them all together.
-In a story sense, make Morganthe do something evil that affects us, the Students, such as injury Ambrose or Cyrus or attack Ravenwood.
-Answer the question: What happened to the Eye of History? somewhere in the quest line.
-Go graphically big! Blow our minds with an epic cenimatic beginning and ending as well as affects throughout this world.
-Whatever spells we get in this world, mobs MUST not know them before us (I am unsure why you guys broke that golden chain. If it was, as Professor Falmea said, to slow us down that's cool but as the last world, don't go over board).
-Bring out as much humor, puns, and crude humor as possible like Zafaria-Azteca (don't remember much from Celestia). Make us laugh.

I agree with 95% of this. The thing I don't agree with is an ending to the game, that would make w101 lose it's fans. But, I do agree about everything else, especially new school clothes! I would be psyched to see some new gear that is different for every school. If this actually happens just make sure that the ice gear has the appearance of ice sickles on the shoulders, and on the hat.

Wolf ThunderBreeze
Transcendent Thaumaturge

Nov 14, 2010
robotdino123 on Jun 16, 2013 wrote:
Centuries? You do realize that a century is 100 years, right? I mean, I like wizard101, but I dont' want it to go on until I'm dead!
i want this story to end while i am alive but i want wizard101 to last forever!

Jun 10, 2012
robotdino123 on Jun 6, 2013 wrote:
101: perfect cap! (Duh! Wizard 101!)

After you fight Ambrose though, you should become headmaster!

I also think that before you become headmaster you should try to find out who your family is:

You do a lot of questing in Wizard City and eventually find out everyone in your family is dead! The only person that's alive is your great great grandpa.You ask Ambrose if he can help you find your grandpa. It turns out that it's Merle Ambrose himself!

This shouldn't be the end of the game, just the chapter. You become headmaster of Ravenwood and have to do tons of questing in 5 different worlds, though to get rid of all evil. Then you become headmaster, Ravenwood is safe, and the game continues on . You won't level up though. After 5 years of being hm, 2 new wizards want to become headmasters. But they doesn't go to the school. They just wants to take over. With the help of Ambrose (Whos still alive), you find out that Morganthe and Malistaire were siblings. Malistaire had a long lost son and Morganthe had a long lost daughter. They are the new wizards. They want to take over cause thay want to avenge their parents death. Then you have do a whole new chapter!

Thats all I got.
Learning about your family? I really don't like that. I would much rather write my own Wizards past than have KingsIsle make it for me. I like adding my imagination to the game


Jun 20, 2009
Professor Greyrose on May 16, 2013 wrote:
What makes you think there will ever be a finale?

Wizard101's first chapter began in Wizard City, and culminated with the defeat of Malistaire.
Wizard101's second chapter began in Celestia with the introduction of Morganthe.

We're still only in the second chapter of this story of the Spiral...there are many chapters to come!
I agree with you there are years and years to come in kingsisle potentially reaching lvl 150 to 200 there are usually 5 worlds to every main storyline boss Malistare had wizard city, krokotopia, mooshu and dragonspire. then we met morgranth she concord celestia, zafaria, Avalon, Azteca and now khyrsalis No Mmo just has a end point but eventually it will be just to much for us to handle kingsisle don't get to carried away we have to lvl 90 times I think we will probably quit after a set amount of time people will feel over burdened I like the game the most when you only had dragonspire that was the best made best storyline out of them all and very well thought So i'd like to see how kingsisle pans out in these next few years as new game developers join the group of kingsisles crew and each carry their own great idea for the game which will keep players hooked so I wont be surprised if the game and levels reaches level 200 that's only another 2 main storyline bosses. but what will ice wizards be in this game future immune to all schools with 200+ resist and storms with 100 to 200 pierce this game will meet its crazy end but don't get me wrong this is the best MMO game I've played I would like to play it on my Tv the bigger the screen the better the game experience I wonder if this game will ever spread to something other than a computer. but bring out each schools weakness and Pvp don't get me started lol but good luck designing this game further kingsisle Juan soultheif lvl 90 Banned Juan Darkgem lvl 86banned Antonio shadow eyes lvl 76 banned Fred bright lvl 82