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Why cant i move???

Apr 26, 2009
Sometimes when i am going into a dungeon it wont let me go in then after that it wont let me move, has this happened to anyone else?

Jun 27, 2009
it happens to me a lot! when i press the X button to go in, I jump off my mount but then just hop back on. and then it won't do anything when i press the arrow keys! :-( I just tell my friends to wait for me, then i open my spell book, and change realms or you can just click on QUIT, and then go to character selection. then you just choose that same wizard and it'll poof you right back to where you were, and you get to go into the dungeon/boss battle/ whatever it is. hope this helped a bit, but someone still needs to take a look at this please.

Victoria SpiritBlossom, level 27 adept theurgist