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Which School To Choose

Mar 29, 2013
So I've been playing Wizard101 on and off for years and have never made much progress because every time I pick a school I see spells from other schools and want to play as that school, and now I have a level 61 death but don't like it and still have no idea which school to choose. I love so many of them and really want to reach max level but can't because I keep changing and don't know how to decide on a school to play up until max level.

Nov 24, 2015
Pick the school that best fits your play style. Do you like to solo (Fire/Storm/Death) or play in groups?(Life) Do you like to hit hard and fast (Fire/Storm), or build up slowly and have lots of health (Life/Ice)? Do you like to be well rounded (Balance) or fight with minions? (Myth) It all depends on your play style for the school you will get the most enjoyment out of.

You can also spend training points to help tweak your school to to the play style of your liking. I think its best to play each school a little bit through the free areas to get a feel for which one you like the best. Or you can watch videos on YouTube showing off the perks of each school and pick from there.

Oct 29, 2011
You will always get sick of the school you are playing so if you ever want to beat the game you have to just stick through it.

Dec 12, 2012
Kullen NightRider on Nov 12, 2016 wrote:
Pick the school that best fits your play style. Do you like to solo (Fire/Storm/Death) or play in groups?(Life) Do you like to hit hard and fast (Fire/Storm), or build up slowly and have lots of health (Life/Ice)? Do you like to be well rounded (Balance) or fight with minions? (Myth) It all depends on your play style for the school you will get the most enjoyment out of.

You can also spend training points to help tweak your school to to the play style of your liking. I think its best to play each school a little bit through the free areas to get a feel for which one you like the best. Or you can watch videos on YouTube showing off the perks of each school and pick from there.
I certainly agree.
See, I picked life. And if you read Kullen.NightRider's post, it certainly fits me and I enjoy it a lot!
I like healing and playing in groups in Wizard101 and love being a tank!
If you like helping your friends should be another one, Kullen.

~ Katie LifeSword Level 87 ~