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Whats your favourite thing in the game?

May 26, 2016
Hi guys, I was wondering what people like about the game.
I like all the battles and card collecting, its fun.

Destiny Sc

Dec 12, 2012
I like the storyline the first time you play, actually. This is probably slightly different than others. When you first see Malastaire in Marlybone, Newgate Prison, you know you want to get him. When you see Morganthe in the Azteca, Alto Alto Library, 3rd time, you know you want to get her. But you don't get either. That's why I'm always looking forward to what happens next.

Also, I like PvP. They really need to make it no treasure cards, though, and make the tournaments not cost anything. I just like challenging my friends at duels and seeing other people's strategies.

Reply if you like!

Katie Life Sword Level 87
Isabella WaterRider Level 40
Brianna Level 15
Scarlet EarthStone Level 31
Level 42
Level 32