I have max gold (400,000) and I have no idea what to spend it on? I'm a level 97 and I have all hades' gear except the helmet, I have a villa, and a blue dragon mount. What could I buy that is great with this much gold? I don't want to buy something and then see something that is awesome and not have enough gold. Anything?
I have max gold (400,000) and I have no idea what to spend it on? I'm a level 97 and I have all hades' gear except the helmet, I have a villa, and a blue dragon mount. What could I buy that is great with this much gold? I don't want to buy something and then see something that is awesome and not have enough gold. Anything?
Do you have the pet you want? I pet hatch randomly to reduce my gold.
Set a budget for yourself. If you feel responsible enough to just walk around with 300,000 gold, do so. If not you can invest in a system that will lose you some gold but (in my opinion) be good in the long run. It's almost like an insurance system for yourself.
Go to the bazaar and buy something expensive like the cow's pearl amulet until you reach a good amount of gold (maybe 50/100 thousand).
Put all the amulets or items that you bought in your shared bank (so other characters have the emergency supply also)
When you see something awesome but spent all your cash on say, pet hatching like northlite said, just go to you're "emergency fund" sell off a few and Ta da!
It does waste a bit of gold but it does help eventually.
Oh wow great ideas. I forgot about pet hatching and I might want the life sun serpent because it can cast healing spells I also should probably get a pet that can have tons of universal resistance because that's important. I love the wizard101 insurance idea lol. Also I forgot to add another reason which was I can't sell anything and I hate to technically trash gold. Luckily this all helped with that problem, Thanks! One more question that you don't have to answer, what is a good universal pet I should try to get by farming buying or anything?