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what should i buy with crowns?

Jul 11, 2014
hello i am new and i am thinking of buying 5k crowns, i am a level 23 and in school of ice."

what do people usually spend their crowns on ? .


or what would a good recommendation be on what to buy?

Jul 03, 2012
I would say ''some" on packs (you can get some good stuff there), save a few for henchman, and save the rest for later. Who knows, maybe throwback thursday will have something you want!

Apr 27, 2012
I would use crowns only for permanent mounts and henchmen. You will find that as you level, it will be VERY difficult to solo. Thus,you will need henchmen. It is probably the one thing about this game that I really dislike.

Also, don't just buy a mount. Most things go on sale at different times of the year. Wait till the permanent mounts go on sale.

Sep 07, 2011
I have terrible luck with packs, so my advice is never buy them. Henchmen should not be needed, at least not for many levels. I would not be in too big a rush tobuy things, but my best crown investment was seeds. There are crown plants that can give an endless supply of rare reagents for crafting, and pet mega snacks. That's a much better value than buying those things every time you need them. It's nice to have crowns for stitching too, not "needed" but nice if you want to combine the best stats with gear you like the looks of. Energy gear is another good thing to have if you are doing lots of fishing, gardening, or pet training.

Jul 03, 2010
I mainly used crowns to stitch my gear later in the game, usually the Wintertusk Crafted gear.

I have used crowns to buy henchmen later in the game for the Spell solo quests but I found it degraded my game experience a bit knowing I was not able to handle the fight at hand I was suppose to be able to so I don't do that any more and just take the time to prepare for the fight and settle in for a long one.

Keep in mind that almost everything for crowns usually goes on sale at some point so best to wait for that.

After you play the game for a while and find what you want you can get though mainly using the gold you earn though questing and selling the drops you get for houses, mounts, gear etc.. I usually start out with the broom or horse as my first mount. Later as you collect gold have bought a castle you will have enough gold for another mount available for gold.


Sep 17, 2012
At your level I would save the crowns. A life mastery amulet is useful at all levels. Most gear isn't worth buying at low levels, you'll get more bang for the buck by waiting until you level up some before buying packs because the level of the gear is set at your level for the same cost. So if you get Jade gear from a pack at level 20, it's level 20 stats, buy the same pack for the same cost at level 50 and it's level 50 stats... so the higher level you wait, the better the gear given for same cost.

Jun 27, 2014
I don't think you should buy things with crowns besides mounts and pets. The gear is terrible... The level 100 gear in the crown shop is worse then an average level 90 gear set [not from crowns though]

Duncan EmeraldStaff

Aug 15, 2012
If you are pretty responsible, then you might want to spend a few on packs but BEWARE: packs are very easy to gamble with and you can get carried away. They also, are based purely on chance so sometimes it's better just to save for henchmen which you will probably need later (for bosses you have to solo for school specific spells).
Sarai Thunderstrider


Sep 06, 2010
Since you are a lower level crowns wouldn't be too beneficial to your needs right now. I'll explain:

Purchasing Henchman - It's a waste since many people play this game and you can just make a load of friends who are your same level and run with them. Plus the dungeons now have the Team Up option so click that when necessary, and you will not have to fork out those crowns for henchman.

Purchasing Mounts - Overrated, and some can be bought with gold in the crown shop (but only a select few towards the bottom of the list). They all give a speed boost so just choose one for now that best suits your style. 5000 crowns will only buy you a decent mount and then you're broke again.

Purchasing Card Packs - It's the equivalent of tossing quarters in a well and wishing for something nice ...it takes a lot of quarters is where I am getting at Most of the time these packs have many different attire sets and those variations make it pricey to obtain the full sets. Even with luck you will still end up spending far over 5000 crowns for a decent attire set. Obtaining a permanent mount from these sets can be just as expensive.

Purchasing Attire - At your level ... its useless. The dropped and crafted gear is more beneficial for you and far superior to those in the crown shop at this time.

Listen: I say if you fork out the dough for 5000 crowns, sit on them and just wait of these amazing sales that come out. Sales that allow you to get an awesome dual permanent mounts or maybe better attire when you are a higher level. Most items that you purchase from the crown shop can be crafted in the game, or is dropped in the game anyway. Just takes a lot of work. So again, be smart, play hard, and save your crowns for a special event like Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Independence Day, Valentines Day, etc.

Michael Thunderfist

Jul 13, 2013
The game is not actually hard to solo except for a few dungeons.
DO NOT get any gear. Your wizard grows fast at that level and you will outgrow your equipment soon.
There's really no reason to buy a mount, either. I have two permanent mounts, a dragon and a lion, and I have enough gold to buy another one. It's really not worth the crowns when you can buy it in gold.
Don't buy a house, either. You can buy all the houses in the crowns shop for gold. One of my houses is the Island Getaway from the crowns shop and I did not buy that with crowns.
So I would just keep it for henchmen. Sometimes I get stuck in sticky situations, even when I'm not soloing. Also, I recommend buying a few dungeons so you can farm them even when your membership runs out. I bought Mount Olympus, the Aquila dungeon you unlock at level 30.
If you do PVP, I hear that Heartsteel is a good athame to have. But try to avoid buying too much gear.
So, yeah, crowns aren't really worth it in my opinion. There are plenty of things you can buy in gold and things you can farm. And a membership is better than crowns, trust me. In Dragonspyre, each area costs about 1000 crowns. It is totally possible to do Dragonspyre with all the side quests in a month, although I take longer.
So, yeah. I would save the crowns for henchmen but other than that, there's no reason to buy anything.
Myrna Dragoncloud, Grandmaster
"The Purifier

Mar 25, 2014
Gemma Luna on Jul 27, 2014 wrote:
I have terrible luck with packs, so my advice is never buy them. Henchmen should not be needed, at least not for many levels. I would not be in too big a rush tobuy things, but my best crown investment was seeds. There are crown plants that can give an endless supply of rare reagents for crafting, and pet mega snacks. That's a much better value than buying those things every time you need them. It's nice to have crowns for stitching too, not "needed" but nice if you want to combine the best stats with gear you like the looks of. Energy gear is another good thing to have if you are doing lots of fishing, gardening, or pet training.
Well.. the person should buy packs. If you don't get good things, who knows, the other person might have really good luck. For example, on my second or third hoard pack, I got a hydra mount. Isn't that the only three person mount in Wizard101? Also, on my second try for the yuletide pack, I got a really good robe(Ultra-Rare).

I would not waste it on mounts, but if your dying for a mount then you should get one. There are many cool mounts you could get with gold too. If you like style or fashion.. you could save a few hundred crowns for stitching objects. Henchman are not really needed. You could ask your friends to help you. Maybe a pet if you want too? In some seasons, there are pets that you could buy with gold. Thats mostly it. Hope this helps!