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Warned by Hall Monitor

Jun 10, 2012
I was just curious. I have done nothing wrong other than misspell a few words now and then by accident. Today I was given a warning by a hall monitor. I wanted to know what I did wrong. I have one wizard at level 48 and the one i was on is now a level 13. I was working on the same quest at my husband. Our son was helping us and so was my daughter. We have made it a family game to do at night. This is how we relax at the end of the day. We work on the quests together as a family. None of us has done anything we were not supposed to except misspell a word once in a while. None of us are good at typing.

If it was truly a Hall Monitor that warned you, it will be at the top of our support team's queue to investigate.

If the warning was unwarranted, they Hall Monitor will be reprimanded.

If you would like more information on your personal account actions, please reach out to our support team through email to support@wizard101.com or use the Contact Us tab at https://www.wizard101.com/CustomerSupport/game to request the specifics behind your warning.
