I have a lot of treasure cards and can not lower them when I try to use them in a battle I have the pips needed but they wont let me use them. And I keep getting the message that I have to many treasure cards but what can I do?. Please tell me how to lower my treasure cards and how to get them to work in battles.
I have a lot of treasure cards and can not lower them when I try to use them in a battle I have the pips needed but they wont let me use them. And I keep getting the message that I have to many treasure cards but what can I do?. Please tell me how to lower my treasure cards and how to get them to work in battles.
Here is what I do to get rid of excess of TC's. I right mouse click and delete them. If you aren't full on gold you can sell them at the Bazaar and buy the Red Barn Farm, lol. If you want to cause a mini riot, sit in the Commons and give them to passer bys - it usually shocks them that I don't want to be gifted a mount in return and proves there is still niceness left in the game. So lower level wizards can hatch with me I have shifted high priced TC's over to them so they can sell them and come back to hatch. If you have 2 accounts you can off load them onto a wizard on your other account and trade them back to other wizards on your main account - a lot of people used to create a free account just for TC transferring.
Out of school TC's are more difficult to use because all your pips only count as regular white ones so your in school yellow pips only count as 1 pip, hence any high pip TC's can't even be used by you unless you have a mastery amulet for that school because you will not get enough pips to cast them. You need to load the ones you want to use in your sideboard part of you spell deck - the 2 yellow cards icon in your spell deck area. In battle right mouse click to remove a regular spell and use the Draw button to bring up a TC. If it's one you really don't want to use you have to wait for the next round to discard it and draw another.