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Traps and Blades that do over 40?

Jan 13, 2010
My friend was helping me and he used a 80+ trap. In another battle he used a 50+ blade he is ice is that your spell quest for blades?

Feb 07, 2011
Cole Dunerunner on Jan 12, 2013 wrote:
My friend was helping me and he used a 80+ trap. In another battle he used a 50+ blade he is ice is that your spell quest for blades?
those would be traps and blades enchanted with the level 84+ astral spells.

potent trap: +10% to next trap
sharpened blade: +10% to next blade
primordial: +100 to next healing spell

an enchanted feint would be +80% to enemy and +40% to self.
an enchanted iceblade would give your friend a 50% blade.

these spells are available (by quest only) to all schools.

Jul 04, 2010
he prob had the new sun school spells from azteca sharpened blade and trap that add 10% to blade or trap