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Storm singled out again

Sep 17, 2010
I have been taking my wiz's through Avalon. I am able to solo the majority of it with every wiz except my Storm. I am getting killed more than ever. I can barely beat regular hoards let alone any dungeon. The ones you have to solo to get new spells I can't pass at all. So what gives. Was this new world created to punish storm wizards. Before I get any rude comments, let me say this. I would gladly give up some damage in return for some health and defense. This is so stacked against Storm it is not even funny.

Jul 03, 2010
88moneypit wrote:
I have been taking my wiz's through Avalon. I am able to solo the majority of it with every wiz except my Storm. I am getting killed more than ever. I can barely beat regular hoards let alone any dungeon. The ones you have to solo to get new spells I can't pass at all. So what gives. Was this new world created to punish storm wizards. Before I get any rude comments, let me say this. I would gladly give up some damage in return for some health and defense. This is so stacked against Storm it is not even funny.

Have a storm friend who is having the same issue, even with help, I finally broke out my retired Life wizard so I will help her with that. As the games worlds become more and more difficult I have decided I really don't have to do them all they are optional, after a few wizards though Zafaria now I have no problem ending the game with Celestia.

She is only in the first area and has been defeated several times, she has her Water Works gear accept boots. I will go over rest of gear for her before we take another try at it and tag along with my Transcended Life.

Sep 17, 2010
Nice to know I'm not the only one. The other thing I would like is a way to punish the people that jump into a battle and then flee. This seems to be worse than ever. When your allready without defense and without health, when your attack all spells require a ton of pips, when you loose half your health from the start because every enemy can cast and does cast a high level attack from the start and you start with only two pips vs their eight, this does not help.

Sep 08, 2008
I know right, not just some boss fights, but the whole entire world of Avalon, while beautiful, is nothing but a big .... survivor death fest.

What the heck?

Sep 10, 2011
Its true. my storm had deaths in Avalon while there is zero deaths compared to my Ice and Life wizard. Same reason as you mentioned too because of low life points. But I don't see it as storm being singled out. The huge amount of damage more than make up for the life points lost because crowd control is still quickest with storm. You just need to time heals before deciding to attack (especially in boss fights). My crafted gear also had its critical rating close to 250 - too high compared to other schools.

In quests like Jabberwock and the latter dungeons near the end, You really need a party which is pretty much the same for the other schools. Im sure some will even say they soloed some of it but I do remember having more epic fights with my Storm than the other schools.

Ronan Lionhand - Storm
Fiona Stardust - Life
Jose Winterbane - Ice

Jan 03, 2011
88moneypit wrote:
I have been taking my wiz's through Avalon. I am able to solo the majority of it with every wiz except my Storm. I am getting killed more than ever. I can barely beat regular hoards let alone any dungeon. The ones you have to solo to get new spells I can't pass at all. So what gives. Was this new world created to punish storm wizards. Before I get any rude comments, let me say this. I would gladly give up some damage in return for some health and defense. This is so stacked against Storm it is not even funny.

Sigh, somehow this became about storm again. Just a heads up: every school has been having trouble with avalon. Since you say you've been doing well enough on your other chars i assume you've noticed that.

Maybe you've been using the same strategy on our storm as with your other chars (which obviously wouldn't work), maybe you've neglected certain stats in favor of others, i don't know but to say avalon was "created to punish storm wizards" is just plain over-dramatizing things.

Some schools were desgined to be comfortable with soloing, others not so much. Storm is one of the latter. There's absolutely no basis for complaints about this. Either find someone to help you out, get better at playing storm or just don't play as a storm. It doesn't matter if you would trade damage for health or resist. The fact of the matter is that storm = high offense/ weaker defense. let's all deal with it. All this whining about storm being neglected or punished is getting old .

I had to be rude...

Apr 28, 2009
brwac wrote:
88moneypit wrote:
I have been taking my wiz's through Avalon. I am able to solo the majority of it with every wiz except my Storm. I am getting killed more than ever. I can barely beat regular hoards let alone any dungeon. The ones you have to solo to get new spells I can't pass at all. So what gives. Was this new world created to punish storm wizards. Before I get any rude comments, let me say this. I would gladly give up some damage in return for some health and defense. This is so stacked against Storm it is not even funny.

Have a storm friend who is having the same issue, even with help, I finally broke out my retired Life wizard so I will help her with that. As the games worlds become more and more difficult I have decided I really don't have to do them all they are optional, after a few wizards though Zafaria now I have no problem ending the game with Celestia.

She is only in the first area and has been defeated several times, she has her Water Works gear accept boots. I will go over rest of gear for her before we take another try at it and tag along with my Transcended Life.

Level 50 life henchman, if you don't have help
Tarlac Stormcaster - level 79

Dec 29, 2009
my storm wiz is wearing crafted lvl 55 gear with off spec in life with a mastery amulet. With the stats I get from the gears I can easily critical heal when needed and I rely heavily on treasure card shields to help me survive. It is harder in storm than my balance but simply put storm can kill quickly. So I shield up then put up like two buffs and throw a tempest. If for some reason it doesn't do the trick I have another tempest ready to come back with.

Feb 23, 2010
My storm wizard died more than my life wizard has so far, but it's not really that horrible for storm. It's simply that there's less room for bad luck or disagreeable decks. The worst part about Avalon from a storm wizard's standpoint is all the storm minions in boss battles. If the boss and minion are both storm, it's no big deal. You simply put on some storm resistant gear and load up on prisms. When you're facing a different school enemy and a storm minion, however, it's a much different story. Do you put on the storm resistant gear to help protect you from the minion's big hits? If you do that, it leaves you more vulnerable to the boss' attacks. If you don't, the minion can rip you up while you try to prism and kill him. Either way, the key to surviving these battles as a storm wizard are to shield as much as possible and take out the minion as quick as you can. These minions can cast top level spells and even nail you with critical hits. I had a couple battles I only won with the help of a critical max healing current spell. But hey, we knew storm was risky when we picked it. that's kind of the point of storm. They can hit the hardest, but they're more vulnerable than other wizards.

May 10, 2010
Okay, first off, let me help all storm wizards out.

Get your waterworks gear, tower of the helephant ring and athame, or craft the level 66 athame. Good critical, good health, 24 global resistance, excellent damage boost, excellent incoming heal boost.

Next, get a pet with spell proof and spritely at a minimum. Try for spell proof, spell defy, and spritely, that works best and helps the most.

Now, once you have all of these, make sure you have enchantments such as Colossal or Gargantuan, these, even for storm, are must have enchantments. Will save you loads of time and greatly increase all attacks.

Once you get Healing current, you can use your Blade amulet that gives health and wont need to use a life mastery amulet any longer.

If you have all of this and are still having a hard time soloing, not sure what to tell you, maybe you have way too many cards in your deck? I have 10 cards in my deck, no shields, and I have no problems doing anything solo on my storm.

Oh, one final advice. When facing all storm, get the storm resistance gear, with my pet that has spell proof, spell defy, spritely, pain giver, I have 87 storm resistance. Now, if I could find a pet that gave storm proof which adds 10 more, and use the level 5 athame, I will have 102 storm resistance and be immune to storm attacks.

Good luck storm wizards and happy wizarding, hope this helps!

Oct 05, 2010
Although I don't have a storm wizard I can see your frustration. Avalon is filled with storm and even the beginning creatures are storm. Storm is still in 2k health while everyone including the second lowest health school, fire, is at 3k by the end of Avalon ( I understand Storm wizards can reach 3k with the right clothing but I am talking about standard PvP clothing - ww clothes, life mastery/myth mastery/ balance mastery, stellar signet and cosmic kris ).

Feb 03, 2012
For me avalon on my storm wasn't that hard (lying) but i did manage to solo most of it. The real problem i had in the battles was healing current, don't ask how a perfectly good healing card could be my only problem but if you have it you should know why.

Dec 10, 2008
nagashiki wrote:
88moneypit wrote:
I have been taking my wiz's through Avalon. I am able to solo the majority of it with every wiz except my Storm. I am getting killed more than ever. I can barely beat regular hoards let alone any dungeon. The ones you have to solo to get new spells I can't pass at all. So what gives. Was this new world created to punish storm wizards. Before I get any rude comments, let me say this. I would gladly give up some damage in return for some health and defense. This is so stacked against Storm it is not even funny.

Sigh, somehow this became about storm again. Just a heads up: every school has been having trouble with avalon. Since you say you've been doing well enough on your other chars i assume you've noticed that.

Maybe you've been using the same strategy on our storm as with your other chars (which obviously wouldn't work), maybe you've neglected certain stats in favor of others, i don't know but to say avalon was "created to punish storm wizards" is just plain over-dramatizing things.

Some schools were desgined to be comfortable with soloing, others not so much. Storm is one of the latter. There's absolutely no basis for complaints about this. Either find someone to help you out, get better at playing storm or just don't play as a storm. It doesn't matter if you would trade damage for health or resist. The fact of the matter is that storm = high offense/ weaker defense. let's all deal with it. All this whining about storm being neglected or punished is getting old .

I had to be rude...

Well to be honest this is not a matter of recognizing storm's great offensive power, but rather KI understanding that with this new world they have put a lot of stress on this particular school. Other schools face the same problem, but I feel it is easier to navigate through Avalon with other schools. Storm has incredibly low hit points (I'm not complaining about this) even with amulet's that offer health. If you choose to purchase these then you sacrifice healing, which is whole different issue. Anyways, with this amount of health you are practically at half health after the enemies attack on the first turn, which puts you in the 1000-1500 range, which is extremely low.

This world is obviously challenging for everyone, but they made it as if it would be almost impossible for storm to make it through without a healer or assistant. Now you say that their offense makes up for this, but would you rather die and waste all that time coming back, or just finish the MOB at a regular pace?

I just feel that KI should have considered the level of challenge for all schools. Nonetheless, they did a fantastic job with the world. And Moneypit did say "before I get any rude comments" let me say this. I doubt he/she was trying to provoke this, he/she was accepting giving up some damage in return for some health and defense, what is wrong with this? :)

Apr 12, 2011
shields, fortify, heals, and blades it is rather quite simple you can buy a bunch of specific shields for 1 boss that is too hard for you or you can have a life mastery and heal easily use fortify it really helps a lot with an extra 15 resist basically for 4 rounds (20 with tc)

Mar 28, 2009
kinda easy for me.. learn to use storm better the big spells are not always best. An enchanted working bolt can hit around 3000 and boom minion is out and it is easy to kill the boss, I killed young morganthe, pendragon, catalan, ogre, winter wyvern, pretty much every boss in the game with my storm.