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Spring Things

Aug 03, 2016
Has everyone gotten some of the new (or old) spring things?

What did you think of them?

I got the hatching chick pet. I like it and feint is a great card to put with any pet.

But I had a question. When are in the purchase section it says "base" and "trim" as if it will let you choose colors for each. But there are no colors there.
So I bought one, thinking maybe there is a glitch on its first day, and I can dye it in the dye shop even if I then have to pay to dye it.

I took it to the dye shop and it says "not dyeable."

I wish it were dyeable.
I also wish the 'bunny suit' were dyeable. It is already grayscale (it seems?) so it should be easy enough to do? Maybe a future update could add this to all past grayscale or white outfits? Please?

The butterfly mount -- it's pretty but I have noticed a couple of issues with it. Please indulge some feedback on it?

Most of the tiny butterflies are a very pretty color but any tinier than the orange and dark blue ones and they look like dots. Add a very light color and now they just look like scraps like photoshop artifacts i.e. scraps of white or grey that someone forgot to erase. They also don't seem to flap their wings (the tiny grey ones.)

The steering on the butterfly swarm mount is clunky. Whenever you stop it backs up again like a misfiring old car. The movement on it going as you go forward seems to steer or go or turn very roughly like a manual steering instead of an automatic steering wheel.

Since they are butterflies I feel the steering and movement should be very easy and light. I probably won't buy more than one of those for these reasons.
I wouldn't have minded if quite a few of the butterflies in the swarm were larger. Easier to tell what they are.

The other swarm mounts...the snowball one looks like a dirt cloud or dust cloud it's got too much dark color in it although I understand the challenge of making a swarm of white. (Hard to see it, since most of the game is in bright daytime sunlight.) The bat swarm mount, the bats are so tiny they look like flies. Which is kind of cool also but, no reason the things in the swarms can't be bigger (at least some of them.)

Thanks for reading!

I love the spring wands, they are very nice to stitch with.

Jan 18, 2010
I'm a huge fan of all the swarm mounts the game has so far introduced. I hope they continue along this path because I might just be a collector :P

Now, for the newly introduced Butterfly Mount. Yes, it's quite charming to the eye, but I agree with the issues you mentioned.

The mount doesn't seem in-sync with the your wizard nor it's movements. I dislike how the graphics on the butterflies looks as you mentioned, they just seem like floating scarps of paper. Hoping this is adjusted in the game's graphics overall.

I also notice that if you don't move for a while, you automatically "de-mount" then mount back up again. Why is this?

But, like I said, I'm a fan of these kinds of mount, so I had to cop one.

The newly introduced pet looks cute. Will probably add it to my hatch list once the newly introduced hatching system makes it over to live.

Overall, it's hard to be unhappy during Spring! :D

Aug 03, 2016
Star Edward on Mar 21, 2018 wrote:
I'm a huge fan of all the swarm mounts the game has so far introduced. I hope they continue along this path because I might just be a collector :P

Now, for the newly introduced Butterfly Mount. Yes, it's quite charming to the eye, but I agree with the issues you mentioned.

The mount doesn't seem in-sync with the your wizard nor it's movements. I dislike how the graphics on the butterflies looks as you mentioned, they just seem like floating scarps of paper. Hoping this is adjusted in the game's graphics overall.

I also notice that if you don't move for a while, you automatically "de-mount" then mount back up again. Why is this?

But, like I said, I'm a fan of these kinds of mount, so I had to cop one.

The newly introduced pet looks cute. Will probably add it to my hatch list once the newly introduced hatching system makes it over to live.

Overall, it's hard to be unhappy during Spring! :D

Very well said, on everything!

I agree with everything you've just said, btw.

I also love the swarm mounts and my nit picks are meant in the most lovingest of ways. Lol

I really love the look of the 'school swarm' mounts and could never figure out where those came from. No one ever answered if I saw one and asked about it. Not sure why. Maybe they were tired of answering that question from various players?? Maybe it's too long or complicated to type or maybe because I usually asked at the team up kiosk where people were, well, swarming, and they got pulled into battle? Inquiring minds want to know!

I finally found out by accident that those school swarm mounts can be crafted and the crafting recipe is sold at Aquila but only if you are a certain crafting level (which, uh, I don't remember more about, offhand.) I promptly bought the recipes for every school and.............still haven't crafted them. I'm not even sure what some of the ingredients are. I looked them up online thought "oh," and shelved the project for now.

I intend to go back to pursuing those ingredients soon. Those are nice swarm mounts!

Oh and the new spring pet "hatching chick," it's very pretty and feint is so useful! It comes with a feint card.