The card is available in retail locations in the USA
The card is available on the website.
The card is retired and no longer available.
This timeline will differ for different cards and retailers, however as cards are sold out/aged out of the stores, they are placed on the website to purchase.
If you have access to a prepaid card that was purchased in the USA you can redeem it from anywhere in the world, provided it is redeemed at and not one of our partner sites like Gameforge or Taomee.
The card is available in retail locations in the USA
The card is available on the website.
The card is retired and no longer available.
This timeline will differ for different cards and retailers, however as cards are sold out/aged out of the stores, they are placed on the website to purchase.
If you have access to a prepaid card that was purchased in the USA you can redeem it from anywhere in the world, provided it is redeemed at and not one of our partner sites like Gameforge or Taomee.
Hey Professor, if you don't mind me asking, could you explain to me why some in game items and bundles go to retirement? I've never understood why this happens...