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Rude players

Apr 19, 2012
Anymore seems like a lot of players will join a battle just to add more minions to fight, then they port out. This has been happening to me a lot on new characters i am trying to build up. They are in and out so fast that i can not read their names so is hard to report them.

Feb 12, 2015
I can see your problem. I wouldn't want that to happen to me, either. Rest assured that not everyone here is like that.

Mar 16, 2012
Valerian371 on Dec 18, 2018 wrote:
Anymore seems like a lot of players will join a battle just to add more minions to fight, then they port out. This has been happening to me a lot on new characters i am trying to build up. They are in and out so fast that i can not read their names so is hard to report them.
Why is this in Halston's Laboratory? This section is for bug reports. Yeah, I know it stinks when this happens, but, running into a fight then porting out isn't a reportable offense.

I suggest that you go to a less populated realm and do your questing there.

Aug 03, 2014
Valerian371 on Dec 18, 2018 wrote:
Anymore seems like a lot of players will join a battle just to add more minions to fight, then they port out. This has been happening to me a lot on new characters i am trying to build up. They are in and out so fast that i can not read their names so is hard to report them.
It's good that you haven't reported them because it's not actually against the rules even though it can be annoying and trolling-type behaviour. The main reason is that someone might do it accidentally and panic flee...that's happened so many times when low level friends port to my higher level wizards and get a bit of a shock when they see the enemy's health

I agree it can be frustrating though and especially if it is ruining your fun you might find it easier to change to a quieter realm instead of the default realms. You can even set your character to remember the realm so you don't have to keep checking it or changing it.

I hope this helps

Aug 29, 2016
I also have had that happen to me . I just keep on fighting .

May 14, 2014
Valerian371 on Dec 18, 2018 wrote:
Anymore seems like a lot of players will join a battle just to add more minions to fight, then they port out. This has been happening to me a lot on new characters i am trying to build up. They are in and out so fast that i can not read their names so is hard to report them.
Yea I have noticed. Three people joined mine without asking if I need help, some people though if they get pulled in they will apologize and stay, the other people just flee.