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Dec 11, 2011
I have a question about Reshuffle.

When I use Reshuffle on myself, would I get reshuffle back in my deck?

I don't know for sure if this has already been asked or not. :?

I don't need know what it is, just if it comes back in your deck.

~Eric CrowSpear - Lvl 79

May 19, 2012
I wondered the same thing myself. It seems like it should go back in your deck since it is a card that is in your deck, so when you reshuffle, it should be there again.

Feb 29, 2012
If it is a TC no, it would be gone, if you trained the spell on Colossus Blvd, yes, it will be back in your deck.

Nov 30, 2010
gtafreak101 wrote:
I have a question about Reshuffle.

When I use Reshuffle on myself, would I get reshuffle back in my deck?

I don't know for sure if this has already been asked or not. :?

I don't need know what it is, just if it comes back in your deck.

~Eric CrowSpear - Lvl 79

Yes sir it most certainly does get reshuffled back into your deck. I am currently using a Necklace that gives me one copy and I have for sure seen it come back after I used it.

May 02, 2009
Reshuffle basically puts all the cards you've used and/or discarded back into your deck so you can use them again, which includes the lone reshuffle itself. Most players usually carry 2 reshuffles, so they can discard one and then use the other one when they need to, sort of like having an infinite deck so-to-speak.

Oct 22, 2011
If your Reshuffle is a regular spell you have trained for, then yes, it will go back into your deck to use again after you reshuffle.

If it's a treasure card, then once you use it, it's gone for good.

Hope this helps! :)

Apr 11, 2010
Yes, I've had this happen before, just one reshuffle is enough. It will return to your deck.

Aug 10, 2010
Yes, it does. I wondered this myself and tried it with 3 cards in my deck.
Sometimes, you just have to go down to Unicorn Way and try stuff out.