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question about gifting packs limit

Jan 05, 2011
if i were to want to gift a friend lots of packs, is there a set limit as to how many i can gift per day? or is there a limit to how much crowns i can gift to an individual per day?

Aug 03, 2014
I don't think there is a limit as long as you have the crowns available. I burned through the best part of 60k gifting packs to a friend* until she got pigsie and it worked fine.

Just a 'mum note' I feel I should add!
If you're a kid, please consider whether gifting a lot is appropriate, especially if you don't know the friend from real life. If someone else (eg parents) bought you crowns they wanted you to have them not someone else. Gifting a pack or two is a really kind gesture your friend would appreciate. Gifting lot of packs or anything of high value could open you up to being used. Maybe a couple of packs instead of a lot would be better? Just something to consider if you're not an adult yet. Be safe

*The friend I gifted a ton of packs to was my real life daughter but our accounts are not linked so in game it would only recognise us as friends who potentially only know each other from playing Wiz.

Jan 05, 2011
thx for reply wouldnt call myself an adult but it is my money and im 21 and the friend im gifting is my second account

Jan 18, 2010
I burned through the best part of 60k gifting packs to a friend* until she got pigsie and it worked fine.
The friend I gifted a ton of packs to was my real life daughter

That's so sweet!