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pet castsing automaticly

Apr 19, 2012
when im in pvp i see the others getting attacked and when they take damage their pet automaticly casts a spell i dont get it how do they do that and also how do people cast 2 spells in the same round? please help. also can i have a few pvp tips? pls

Jan 11, 2012
Pets can have spells that cast at random times. Pets can heal, remove weaknesses or shields, add blades, etc. Some SUPER RARE pets cast attack spells too. This update removed one of those spells, and the only other 2 I'm aware of have been removed for years now. These spell casting talents can be grafted onto a pet by hatching them with pets that already have them. it's in all aspects of the game, and not just PvP

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
Those are "may cast" talents. People breed their pets to have special talents that will help them in battle. The pets who have these talents may randomly do things like heal, shield, blade, trap, or cast spells on the opponent like stun, weakness, smokescreen, a bubble or even shatter someone's shields or destroy their blades.

So, the wizard casts her spell, then her pet may react to that or to the opponent's spell. But it's random and unreliable.

Some pets with multiple may-casts might trigger one of their own spells with another. For example, I have a pet with may cast Unicorn and may cast Fairy. An incoming damage spell might trigger my pet to use Unicorn, but then the Unicorn itself will trigger my pet again, so that she casts Fairy this time. That's because may-cast heals are triggered by any damage or any heal that happens to any wizard in the battle.

For PVP tips, you should start here: www.Duelist101.com





The entire site is run by Wizard101 fans and dedicated to advising and supporting PVP players, plus us regular folk as well.

Alia Misthaven

Nov 21, 2011
What you're seeing is a 'maycast' spell taking effect, some pets have talents available that will occasionally cast a spell to help their owner (or alternatively, their team) in combat. This can range from heals such as sprite, fairy or unicorn, to shield/blade destroyers such as enfeeble or shatter. These can happen out of turn, and also can take effect in PVE (I've had my pet heal me 5 times in 1 round before, it was crazy).

On top of this, some high-tier wands have a maycast of their own, which can happen whenever they land a wand hit.

Hope this helps

Apr 13, 2011
Isabella0113223 on Mar 23, 2018 wrote:
when im in pvp i see the others getting attacked and when they take damage their pet automaticly casts a spell i dont get it how do they do that and also how do people cast 2 spells in the same round? please help. also can i have a few pvp tips? pls
its a "may-cast" talent. some pets have developed skills that randomly cast spells when a certain trigger is hit, such as the player taking damage they will sometimes cast a heal and if they deal damage and have the right talent they could cast a trap or blade. see if you can hatch with other players to put these skills on your own pet. just remember they wont always cast there spells so it really is random.

Mar 11, 2009
a further note: my Ultra balance pet has "may cast a spritely"....and when she DOES pop up and give me heath it is when it is MY turn...she does not do this inbetween other players or take their turn.....just wanted to add that.