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People in the Commons lately

Feb 12, 2009
Just a heads-up, there has been seemingly suspicious activity in the commons lately, IMO. I have on a couple occasions in the last few days encountered wizards who want to add as friends, and then blab on about sharing accounts and the like. I went after a guy telling him I was going to report this kind of behavior, and if I see it again I will. Some random wizard in a battle with me out of the blue said, "don't ever share your account info", they are just trying to hack you". I thought to myself, "of course they are, why would anyone share accounts with a stranger?". Then a couple days later I have it happen to me.

Be on the lookout for people wanting you to port to a quiet place, out of sight of others, to try to trick you into sharing account info. I think that's what this "Noah" person was all about. Somehow he ended up on my friend list, I think in the confusion of trying to add some help for a dungeon he got added, then started pestering me about porting to him.

People in general have been ticking me off lately!

Jun 06, 2009
this type of stuff has been around for a while but thanks for the heads up ill be on the look out

Mar 22, 2014
There always has and always will be Online Daters and the like in the Commons.
That's rule one for any MMO.

But yes, it has to stop. It's cringeworthy and inappropriate.

Aug 23, 2015
Jan 01, 2009
Does it seem to be happening in a particular realm?