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Obsidian Chest?

Jun 17, 2010
I was just wondering what is that obsidian chest that i always see in boss rooms? how do i open it? Its not the crowns one so please dont ask

Mar 12, 2010
funnyisaac1234 wrote:
I was just wondering what is that obsidian chest that i always see in boss rooms? how do i open it? Its not the crowns one so please dont ask

The Obsidian Chest is a quest that you get when you are in Dragonspyre.

It's kind of like the History Book quest. You have to go around to different bosses in different worlds to find them.

Mar 03, 2009
Those are for a quest you will get in Dragonspyre. You can't do anything with them until then.


May 19, 2009
funnyisaac1234 wrote:
I was just wondering what is that obsidian chest that i always see in boss rooms? how do i open it? Its not the crowns one so please dont ask

you have to collect them when you are master later in the game dont even worry about them until you reach that level they are just for looks.
There is a mission around(no certain Level Depends if you do side missions or not) level 40-42 that requires you to collect the Dragon Rider staff you get the pieces from those chests.

Jun 07, 2010
It is a quest you get later on for a Dragonrider staff.

I had made a pretty good detail guide that helps those that get this quest later on. I guess KI is against people trying to help others. I thought W101 is kid friendly? Removing a helpful guide is just plain evil.

Well it was in here for 2 mins until I re-edit it to add more helpful information well after that, the guide never made an appearance back.

Jun 01, 2010

If your a member and your working your way to Grandmaster, soon you will run over a quest in DragonSpyre where Ashley the Fire Tree gives you a quest to find those chests (in Ds Academy)