I know there are plenty of times you need hit all spells because there is alot of solo playing, but it seems there are way too many life wizards trying to do damage in a group situation, WHY? - just sit back and heal and do your job, if you want to do damage make some other class
Just because life can heal doesn't make it their JOB. I can type. That doesn't mean I have to be a secretary. I can cook, that doesn't mean I have to work in a restaurant. I can sew, that doesn't require me to be a seamstress. I picked life as my very first character, way back when, so that I could heal MYSELF, not to coddle presumptive and rude players who think it is beneath them to keep a pixie or two in their own deck.
Nah, myth doesn't need a new AoE. It would be too powerful at 10-11 pips anyway. AoE is really storm's specialty... I don't think any school should get an AoE that is more than 6 pips aside from Storm. What Myth needs is an X-pip minion! :D I know lots of people don't use minions, but that's only because it's so tricky. I'm still using Talos in Avalon.
And a lvl 98 school quest in the future to get a new minion spell + Talos pet would be great! LOL Just sayin'.
Maybe I got it wrong but isn't the new balance spell does the same amount of damage as Judgment spell with the same 10 pips? Looks like Judgment still better since it much more flexible the additional spirit shield does not give much advantage to lvl 10 spell. :(
Myth Spell = aoe= happy conjurers :D Myth Spell= not aoe= sad conjurers. D:
This is my biggest problems with these spells. I don't even have a myth wizard! I feel sorry for all the conjurers out there who agree with me. Almost 50 levels without an Aoe spell. I think if this spell gets released on the live realm, you will see even less Myth wizards. I once did a test to see how many Myth wizards there were per one hundred wizards in Avalon. I saw 6 Myth Wizards. 6%. Please change this spell!
Who cares if it's not AoE. It's still a great spell regardless. I'm sick of everything being AoE >_> I actually like my spells a single hit with some decent damage.
You dont need a Aoe spell. Myth isnt a Aoe Type of School. Its more about summoning hard hitting Spells And minions, and planning to overthrough your enimes at any time. The Mobbing clases Are the elemental in there own way. Storm doesnt need blades. Fire Doesnt but Middle Damage. Ice needs Blades To get Good Damage it evens it out. Stop complaining. If no Aoe spells come out for myth so be it. By the way you Conjurers are whining you dont deserve it Its rediculous. Honestly, the only people who should be complaining, is Life, Thats it Period....
myth hasn't gotten an AoE spell since 42 and you tell me it doesn't need one? It is now nigh-on-impossible to solo as a myth wizard these days because you have to choose between single target spells or frogging/quaking them which do approx. 300 BASE DAMAGE. it is literally impossible to get these abilities above 2500 damage, and the people in avalon just about ALL have health above this, and keep in mind to get 2500 requires numerous treasure cards and other such items to even reach that. in conclusion YES, myth is about assasinating single targets with powerful blows, but one high rank AoE spell is absolutely necessary.
Matthew Titanshard 78 myth Matthew Mythtamer 60 storm Matthew Goldcoin 60 death Matthew Stalker (xD) 25 balance
You dont need a Aoe spell. Myth isnt a Aoe Type of School. Its more about summoning hard hitting Spells And minions, and planning to overthrough your enimes at any time. The Mobbing clases Are the elemental in there own way. Storm doesnt need blades. Fire Doesnt but Middle Damage. Ice needs Blades To get Good Damage it evens it out. Stop complaining. If no Aoe spells come out for myth so be it. By the way you Conjurers are whining you dont deserve it Its rediculous. Honestly, the only people who should be complaining, is Life, Thats it Period....
And fyi others schools arent known for their AoE either, but ALL other schools got a High rank AoE:
Life: OP chewbacca Ice: Mammoths Death: Frankenstein's Monster Storm: dont even get me started Fire: dragon + volcano Balance: King of gods much?
i agree that myth need an AoE i haven't even got medusa and i think we need a higher rank AoE and someone said that myth is to assasinate a single player i think not if we were to assasinate a single enemy dont you think we wouldn't have the double hit spells
just consider an AoE for lvl 98 spells even though i posted on "lvl 98 spell ideas" topic a single hit i change that to all enemies
Who cares if it's not AoE. It's still a great spell regardless. I'm sick of everything being AoE >_> I actually like my spells a single hit with some decent damage.
Not everything is AoE though....? Myth does need a new AoE spell, in my opinion. Maybe next world, I could wait.
I like these spells a lot, but I still have a couple of problems :/
*Death and Fire have really similar spells *Life's rank 10 DoT is crazy strong, or at least because Life isn't about big hits. I suggest 1000 dmg over 3 rounds & +200 to next 2 healing spells.
And fyi others schools arent known for their AoE either, but ALL other schools got a High rank AoE:
Life: OP chewbacca Ice: Mammoths Death: Frankenstein's Monster Storm: dont even get me started Fire: dragon + volcano Balance: King of gods much?
As someone already pointed out that Mammoth is a single attack, I will point out that Deer Knight and Scarecrow are Death's AoE spells.
And as for Storm, we don't have that many AoE. Tempest, Siren and Storm Lord are all we have. Fire has Dragon, Rain of Fire and Meteor Strike, Ice has Blizzard and Snow Angel, Life has Forest Lord, Balance has Ra, Myth has Earth and Frog. (In my opinion they are due for an AoE but I'm not going to step in that argument.)
And while I'm on my opinion, I think Storm and Balance need a damage over time spell next. Storm has very few damage over time spells, and these are found with pets or amulets, both of which are somewhat pricey to obtain. Balance has no DoT that I know of, and so if due for one fairly soon as well.
Overall these were good spells suited for each school though. I thank KI for them and am looking forwards to the next spells.
There must be something wrong with me!!!!!!!!! I can't get my sabertooth. I'm a level 88 balance, but i never got my chimera pet. Alhazred doesn't have anything for me. What should i do!!!!!!!!??????!!!!!????
You dont need a Aoe spell. Myth isnt a Aoe Type of School. Its more about summoning hard hitting Spells And minions, and planning to overthrough your enimes at any time. The Mobbing clases Are the elemental in there own way. Storm doesnt need blades. Fire Doesnt but Middle Damage. Ice needs Blades To get Good Damage it evens it out. Stop complaining. If no Aoe spells come out for myth so be it. By the way you Conjurers are whining you dont deserve it Its rediculous. Honestly, the only people who should be complaining, is Life, Thats it Period....
look we do. Ice can bladestack up to 12! blades and there new spells are becoming overpowered. Myth isn't only about minions and one hit spells. Life got a stronger spell than fire for pete's sake! so their last aoe was at lvl 58 and does 540-620 without any enchants. Myth's last aoe was lvl 42 and does 310 without enchants. This is the worst aoe school. Sure death gets scarecrow but that does 400? and they can craft deer knight. Myth can craft ninja pigs and keeper of the flame but those aren't aoe. Why should life be complaining KI have been giving them better cards than other strong schools now. Why should life be complaining plz someone tell me. The only reason to complain is circle of life. Have you ever played myth dalltin? It is extremely hard to kill 4000 health monsters or whatever you call them with a 585 damage attack. Life's forest lord does that without enchants! MYTH NEEDS AN AOE NOW!!! Just because it isn't an aoe school means it cant get a good aoe spell?
I'm not quite here yet, but this era of spells looks phenomenal. Some people say the animations for new spells have gotten a bit worn-out and they see it as all spells being re-typings of things that already exist. But i think that the animations and the effects of the new spells are unique and sometimes quite funny (Gnomes and some of the poly-morph gobbler attacks in mind ). So yeah, great spells and cheers for another new tier! Stay awesome guys.