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New Here...need some help

May 15, 2010
Hi there! :D

So, I'm pretty new (maybe a week in now), and I'm curious how some of you others get groups together to go into dungeons? Now I've probably had 20 or so friend invites...all lower levels...but it seems when I want to go into a dungeons (like Sunken City) no one can be found. How do you solicit for groups on Wizard 101?

Also....the Registrar in Golem Court...does he reset both your first school and second school points so you can say...leave being a life/death wizard and start being a storm/ice wizard?

Any help you can provide is appreciated!

May 02, 2009
First off, welcome to Wizard101.

Now you can usually ask your friends or some other people via in game or on the boards to help you out. Remember, Sunken City is an optional area, and is not required to progress with the storyline. If your having trouble, then try doing it at a higher level, and don't be afraid to bring some heal cards and/or a life wizard with you.

As for the registrar, he doesn't reset your school of focus. What he does is that for a crown fee he gives you back all the training points that you've spent via other schools. The crown cost depends on how many training points you've spent.

If you want a new wizard, then simply make another one and check out that school.

Remember, there are 7 schools but you can only make 6 wizards.

Hope I helped.

Seth ShadowCloud
Grandmaster Fire/Storm
Former pvp Veteran
A good friend

Seth EmeraldFlame
Initiate Myth
Former pvp knight
A good friend

May 15, 2010
Wow. Guess no advice for the new guy. I'm level 20 now...solo questing is fun...but still haven't been able to experience any dungeon content. Am I missing out?

Mar 12, 2010
llystra wrote:
Wow. Guess no advice for the new guy. I'm level 20 now...solo questing is fun...but still haven't been able to experience any dungeon content. Am I missing out?

Hi. Just so you know, they only post messages once or twice a day, so there is usually a lag between questions and any responses you might get.

As far as grouping (like for Sunken City), there are usually wizards hanging around the entrance looking for friends to go in. Try switching realms too and go to a crowded or busier realm (not a perfect realm). Press "esc" and then click on the last tab at the top for "realms" and switch.

And like flash33 suggested, you might want to wait until you're a higher level and come back later. In the meantime, enjoy the game!

Mar 09, 2009
I've seen a couple of ways that people get help with the dungeons.

1) Stand in the commons and ask for help. I've done it already, and now that I have several grandmasters, I sometimes hang out there and listen for help queries and go with them.

2) Hang out at the entrance to Grubb's joint, and see if anyone else comes in. I can usually do that and some people will ask me for help there, or if you see there are only 2 or 3 people, ask if you can join, they will usually say that you can join.

Be careful in there, its VERY easy to get caught in unwanted battles!

Good luck!

Rogan Firehammer

Mar 01, 2009
yea sunken city is hard i waited to do it when i was lvl 20 maybe and yea you get into a lot of fights so you might wanna have a life friend with ya
as for geting help that is easy like most people said ask around in the commons or the arena or see if there are people who have the quest but not the friends
dont be afraid to ask for help many people did sunken city or tried to and know how hard it is
you can also wait to lvl up some more
i'd love to help so look for me in commons, bazar, or arena they are the places that i mainly stay at
Scarlet Redthorn grandmaster fire
Chris Deathbringer lvl 33 life