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May 30, 2011
I have a questions about membership. When I started playing Wizard101 I didn't know that when I shared character selections with my bro that he couldn't use text chat. So, since i'm old enough to use text chat i'm trying to find a way that I can use it. Here are my questions fill free to answer :D

1.) :? If you set up a master/family account will it affect your current account?

2.) :? Will you get the parental controls that make it so i can use text chat and my brother can't?

3.) :? will it hurt your character at all?

4.) :? Do you have to pay for ever wizard you make? (Because only two of use play but we have more that one character)

5.) :? And do your parents go in and go to each character by and select who can use text chat ant who can't?

6.) :? Can you still make Characters?

P.S Anyone can answer these question if you know the answer but can one of the Professor answer my questions? Also, I tried to make it so everyone who has a question about membership could get their answer too :D


Bailey LifeSong level 53 Grand Master Wizard

My suggestion to you, young Wizard, is get your own account with your own chat settings and have our support staff transfer your character to your account.

Yes we can transfer characters between two accounts if
a) both accounts (the from & to) are linked in a Family of Accounts
b) both accounts pass our security checks
c) both accounts are subscribed for a 1 year term

If your situation meet these conditions, send an email to support@wizard101.com and let Mr Lincoln know the Source Account, the Destination Account, and the name of the character(s) to be transferred and he will look into the transfer for you.

All of Mr Lincoln's decisions are final when it comes to character transfer requests.

elisha658 wrote:
1.) :? If you set up a master/family account will it affect your current account?

Your characters will not be changed if you group your account within a Family of Accounts.
Your account will change in that it will now be within a Family of Accounts and can now transfer Crowns between accounts and setup Parental Controls for all members.

elisha658 wrote:
2.) :? Will you get the parental controls that make it so i can use text chat and my brother can't?

No. Each account has its own chat settings. They are at the account level not at the character level.

elisha658 wrote:
3.) :? will it hurt your character at all?
Of course not.

elisha658 wrote:
4.) :? Do you have to pay for ever wizard you make? (Because only two of use play but we have more that one character)
Again, purchases are at the account level, not the character level.

elisha658 wrote:
5.) :? And do your parents go in and go to each character by and select who can use text chat ant who can't?

No, Each account has its own chat settings. They are at the account level not at the character level.

elisha658 wrote:
6.) :? Can you still make Characters?

You have have up to 6 characters on your account at any time.
