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master of storm badge

Feb 01, 2010
i have gotten all my spells from thunder snake to leviathan and i still don't have the master of storm badge is there a spell i might be missing like from one of the secret trainers or something

Jan 27, 2009
May 20, 2010
The four spells that come from other trainers are:

Storm Shield from Sabrina Greenstar in the WC Fairegrounds.

Soothe from Mortis the Death Tree in Nightside.

Dissipate from Mildred Farseer on Colossus.

Sap Power from Croaky in Marleybone Digmoore Station basement.

Apr 29, 2010
joey110498 wrote:
i have gotten all my spells from thunder snake to leviathan and i still don't have the master of storm badge is there a spell i might be missing like from one of the secret trainers or something

You get "Master of Storm" When you reach Level 48. I reached level 48 way before CL was even talked about. When i got my Storm Lord it gave me my card, pet and badge of Master of Storm.

BUT i had a friend ask me recentally about it and he told me he still does not have it, So did they move it to a higher rank to get it now?

Since people now have another spell to learn after Storm Lord?

Marcus StarShield: 60 Legendary Diviner