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lvl 62 Storm advice

Sep 07, 2010
hey everyone,

I was just looking for alitte advice or scrutiny on my current build, I solo alot and have a life mastery amulet with life as a secondary (of course) all the way to Centaur, i am using the lvl 55 crafted gear storm/life. I also went up to Feint in the death tree. I have also seen on the forums that supercharge is quite pointless unless your fighting a boss with tons of health. I have a hybrid pet kraken/forest lord with storm giver, storm proof, spritley, and pip o plenty. Im concerned about wasting power pips on feints and was wondering if i should keep my pip chance at a certain percentage so i can get a single pip every now and then for some spells? Oh and of course i have vengence, gargantuin that i always have in my deck or the t-cards for %25 instead of %20 for the vengence. I dont have amplify and i never thought it would make up for the crit bonus from vengence ( i can get my crit up to about %55 with vengence and its awesome. thanks for reading and im looking forward to some feedback!

-Ronan Stormcloud- lvl 62 storm