Cori MoonShade here. I've been wondering how to get the Life Trap spell. Professor Wu hasn't taught it to me, but my brother, a level 10 Conjurer, has learned Myth Trap, but I can't find any Trap spells in Ravenwood. Help please!
There is a trainer in Colossus Blvd. that sells dispels, reshuffle, and Life Trap item cards. The trainer is in a house near the area where Mindy Pixiecrown is. Good Luck!
Cori MoonShade here. I've been wondering how to get the Life Trap spell. Professor Wu hasn't taught it to me, but my brother, a level 10 Conjurer, has learned Myth Trap, but I can't find any Trap spells in Ravenwood. Help please!
Cori MoonShadeMagus Theurgist
Go to colossus boulevard near mindy pixiecrow and you will find a secret shop were you can learn it
Mildred Farseer on Colossus Boulevard has Life Trap. Her house is in a secluded nook near Mindy Pixiecrown. She has all the dispels for each school as well.
To train life trap you need to visit Mildred Farseer in her house on Colossus boulevard. Mildred's house is at the bottom of a ramp leading down from the street intersection where Mindy Pixiecrown stands. Later on there are a few other spells Mindy can teach you, such as reshuffle and dispels for all the schools.
Your Life trap is actually in Colossus Blvd, near where (oh goodness, what is her name) ...... Mindy Pixiecrown? (or something like that). Where she is, there is an entrance to a building. There you will find another trainer, and they have the Life trap spell for you!
Cori MoonShade here. I've been wondering how to get the Life Trap spell. Professor Wu hasn't taught it to me, but my brother, a level 10 Conjurer, has learned Myth Trap, but I can't find any Trap spells in Ravenwood. Help please!
Cori MoonShadeMagus Theurgist
The trap is available from the secret trainer on Colossus Blvd. in Wizard City.