I have been doing this for long time and it works well for me and it gets to be fun after a while. I have an older wizard that has access to Marleybone and i make friends with my level 5 wizard, I then take the older wizard that has finished marleybone to Cheslea Courts where he will go to each teleporter and get the level 5 to get them working as well. after the level 5 has the teleporters working you have no more use for the older wizard in doing this. Take each teleporter to where it ports out and look around, I am sure you can find Iron and stone and Gold chest collect all that you see even Mysty wood, tonight i collected 116 Iron, once you go through all the porters and have collect regents and chest in that realm, then Change realms, Yes change realms and collect more and when that realm is finished switch to another realm and collect again, you can do this as long as you have time. Eventually i mark Cheslea court with my level 5 wizard in order toreturn later on, and then i return home and go to Bzzar and i sell the Iron and regents, Here is where i get the gold to buy my ring and Gear by selling the regents. The game has a crazy way of dropping their buy price after you sell so many of one item so when price drops stop selling and wait till later to sell. Have fun, this is how i have been in the Iron and Steal Chest business for years. :)
I have been doing this for long time and it works well for me and it gets to be fun after a while. I have an older wizard that has access to Marleybone and i make friends with my level 5 wizard, I then take the older wizard that has finished marleybone to Cheslea Courts where he will go to each teleporter and get the level 5 to get them working as well. after the level 5 has the teleporters working you have no more use for the older wizard in doing this. Take each teleporter to where it ports out and look around, I am sure you can find Iron and stone and Gold chest collect all that you see even Mysty wood, tonight i collected 116 Iron, once you go through all the porters and have collect regents and chest in that realm, then Change realms, Yes change realms and collect more and when that realm is finished switch to another realm and collect again, you can do this as long as you have time. Eventually i mark Cheslea court with my level 5 wizard in order toreturn later on, and then i return home and go to Bzzar and i sell the Iron and regents, Here is where i get the gold to buy my ring and Gear by selling the regents. The game has a crazy way of dropping their buy price after you sell so many of one item so when price drops stop selling and wait till later to sell. Have fun, this is how i have been in the Iron and Steal Chest business for years. :)
I go about it a little different. I have other higher level wizards on my account so when I start a new one I have stuff in the shared bank to take and sell, a few high level drops is all I usually need, I also do pet snacks, I get tons and they add up fast when selling - even the low ones. For Treasure cards to use and sell I use a free to play account we have to swap them from the wizard with them to the new wizard..
I have been doing this for long time and it works well for me and it gets to be fun after a while. I have an older wizard that has access to Marleybone and i make friends with my level 5 wizard, I then take the older wizard that has finished marleybone to Cheslea Courts where he will go to each teleporter and get the level 5 to get them working as well. after the level 5 has the teleporters working you have no more use for the older wizard in doing this. Take each teleporter to where it ports out and look around, I am sure you can find Iron and stone and Gold chest collect all that you see even Mysty wood, tonight i collected 116 Iron, once you go through all the porters and have collect regents and chest in that realm, then Change realms, Yes change realms and collect more and when that realm is finished switch to another realm and collect again, you can do this as long as you have time. Eventually i mark Cheslea court with my level 5 wizard in order toreturn later on, and then i return home and go to Bzzar and i sell the Iron and regents, Here is where i get the gold to buy my ring and Gear by selling the regents. The game has a crazy way of dropping their buy price after you sell so many of one item so when price drops stop selling and wait till later to sell. Have fun, this is how i have been in the Iron and Steal Chest business for years. :)
While this is all well and good, not many people of a higher level want a level 5 friends. Easier way: sell every single thing that's dropped (unless you get lucky and get good gear), and collect every reagent you find. I've never been without level 5 gear...or any other level for that matter, by just doing this.
I might have missed something in your description, but it sounds like your method would require a person to have 2 accounts in order to do this successfully. I am unable to play 2 separate wizards on the same account at the same time on a Mac, perhaps playing on a PC is different.
If this method does indeed require 2 accounts, then I don't think paying RL money for in-game currency is a fair trade .
Secondly, if you are playing 2 separate accounts: Is your goal to just raise gold? There is a cap on the amount of gold a wizard is allowed based on his/her level.
Why not just escort the lower level wizard through the zones with the older wizard and perform a type of "Power Level" to bring the second wizard up to the same level as the first?
If you are able to do this with just one account, I would suggest continue leveling your older wizard and simply drop all your trash gear, undesirable housing items, and any reagents into your shared bank for fast gold.
In zones such as Celestia and higher, a lot of trash gear is worth several thousand gold and accumulates rather quickly while questing.
Does this level 5 have a permanent 40% mount? If not, then you would also be wasting time running at a slower pace which isn't time efficient either in regards to farming for gold.
I have been doing this for long time and it works well for me and it gets to be fun after a while. I have an older wizard that has access to Marleybone and i make friends with my level 5 wizard, I then take the older wizard that has finished marleybone to Cheslea Courts where he will go to each teleporter and get the level 5 to get them working as well. after the level 5 has the teleporters working you have no more use for the older wizard in doing this. Take each teleporter to where it ports out and look around, I am sure you can find Iron and stone and Gold chest collect all that you see even Mysty wood, tonight i collected 116 Iron, once you go through all the porters and have collect regents and chest in that realm, then Change realms, Yes change realms and collect more and when that realm is finished switch to another realm and collect again, you can do this as long as you have time. Eventually i mark Cheslea court with my level 5 wizard in order toreturn later on, and then i return home and go to Bzzar and i sell the Iron and regents, Here is where i get the gold to buy my ring and Gear by selling the regents. The game has a crazy way of dropping their buy price after you sell so many of one item so when price drops stop selling and wait till later to sell. Have fun, this is how i have been in the Iron and Steal Chest business for years. :)
I would just use my Grandmaster and put some very expensive gear into the shared bank, then exit and go to my level 5 , then put the gear in the backpack, and then sell it at the Bazaar, giving my wizard about 20,000 gold. That's what I do to get gold to my lower level people. Also, I pass down what gear I can. Myrna Dragoncloud