Will this game ever have latest gen graphics, kind of like you see on playstation, XBOX, etc? Not saying they're bad I like them but I think will be cooler.
I kind of hope not. A game I liked upgraded on a sequel, to high powered graphics, to the point that a new graphics card was needed just to run it, plus a faster computer. Many, many people got that sequel, only to discover that, though the specs said it was ok for their system, it would load, yes, but could not actually PLAY. It killed off the game. I LOVE that KI knows kids and families often are using older computers, and try to keep their game runnable for as many people as possible. I like the cartoon style art in the game. I don't need Ambrose to look like Ian McKellen in Lord of the Rings. Yes, it might look cool to see it even more detailed, or realistic, but not really needed. I fear the play-ablity issues that would arise. There are enough people who have loading issues already.
Will this game ever have latest gen graphics, kind of like you see on playstation, XBOX, etc? Not saying they're bad I like them but I think will be cooler.
Suggested before. And pointed out, by many, that this game is geared to families. Most families cannot afford new computers. Any online game must be programmed to the masses. The masses do not have massive gaming computers capable of handing this kind of "upgrade." Nor is it necessary.
Probably not. Part of the reason probably being is XBOX and playstation are computers able to deal with such demanding graphics like this. This is a computer game and people play by their computers. If the graphics are too demanding some players will experience lots of lag to the point they cannot play. 2nd. It probably would take an immense amount of work for the to redo the entire game like that.
The game is cartoony and is supposed to be. You don't see too much MMO's with high, next-gen graphics because they want the game to be played among plenty of players with older computers and new. I would love a graphics reboot, but don't see it happening, as some people do not have newer computers.