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Kapudans boarding hook(Retired)

Sep 30, 2018
So after right a few other post, i finally got to understand the issue behind the mix up and such of death damage being added to the myth , fire set but my previous post along side that post went unanswered.

There was a set for myth and fire and storm and ice, there was also a set for balance, death and life.
So why were the other schools giving their appropriate set stats while the one for life,death and balance gave equal percentage of 17% damage. Death is suppose to out damage ice, yet ice got away with 19% damage and no one is talking about this? IF death was suppose to get 20% then why wasn't this installed in the admiral boarding hook after the mix up. I think it was fair for those who bought the previous retired version got to keep theirs, but unfair for other death mains who came after, knowing their at a 3% disadvantage. It might not seem like a lot but 3% on a 127% outgoing vs 130% has a significant difference, that one is notably stronger than the other.

It might not look like a real issue right now but, there would be time that 3% comes in clutch moments, esp when adding that 130% to that 25% virulence for a 155 damage. The only replacement to that would be using the admiral boarding hook with the Gulture death mount with 3% to make up for it.