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Just taking a moment

Sep 25, 2012
Okay guys, I've been meaning to post this for a while.

My name is John WildWeaver. I've been playing this game since 2009, albeit not always with the account I use now. To this day, I remember watching cartoons one Saturday morning, when a commercial came on that would change my gaming experience forever.

"Could this be the one to save Wizard City?"

Ten-year-old John's mind was blown by what was on the TV before him. He saw wizards, dragons, magic, and loads of fun.

I knew that when I got a computer, Wizard101 would be the first game I wanted to play. Two years later, it happened. We got a family computer. Wizard101 was installed within 24 hours of it being set up.
I was ecstatic when I took the test and got fire.
My two best friends, John Firespear and Blaze TitanHammer, would play with me. We didn't have text chat, so we would be on the phone, playing together for hours at a time. We eventually stumbled upon the paywalls in Olde Town, so we got allowances. We mowed lawns, walked dogs, anything to get through the game. It was slow, but eventually we figured out that buying a membership was more effective than spending crowns on areas. Finally, in our sophomore year of high school, we did it. We defeated Malistaire. My friend's mom even has a video somewhere of us playing together, with them together at someone's house, and me at home. It blows my mind to think that we once looked in awe at the high level players. We admired, with envious wonder at the grandmasters soaring by on dragons and panthers.
Now, we are the ones flying through the commons, trying hurriedly to get to the bazaar to sell twelve hours' worth of loot. We are the ones with epic castles, and mighty pets. We find the time to help new players.
We grew up on this game, and it's starting to look like we'll still be playing in our 30s. The Spiral has become like our second home.

Mar 25, 2011
supersaiyanunlimit... on Mar 4, 2017 wrote:
Okay guys, I've been meaning to post this for a while.

My name is John WildWeaver. I've been playing this game since 2009, albeit not always with the account I use now. To this day, I remember watching cartoons one Saturday morning, when a commercial came on that would change my gaming experience forever.

"Could this be the one to save Wizard City?"

Ten-year-old John's mind was blown by what was on the TV before him. He saw wizards, dragons, magic, and loads of fun.

I knew that when I got a computer, Wizard101 would be the first game I wanted to play. Two years later, it happened. We got a family computer. Wizard101 was installed within 24 hours of it being set up.
I was ecstatic when I took the test and got fire.
My two best friends, John Firespear and Blaze TitanHammer, would play with me. We didn't have text chat, so we would be on the phone, playing together for hours at a time. We eventually stumbled upon the paywalls in Olde Town, so we got allowances. We mowed lawns, walked dogs, anything to get through the game. It was slow, but eventually we figured out that buying a membership was more effective than spending crowns on areas. Finally, in our sophomore year of high school, we did it. We defeated Malistaire. My friend's mom even has a video somewhere of us playing together, with them together at someone's house, and me at home. It blows my mind to think that we once looked in awe at the high level players. We admired, with envious wonder at the grandmasters soaring by on dragons and panthers.
Now, we are the ones flying through the commons, trying hurriedly to get to the bazaar to sell twelve hours' worth of loot. We are the ones with epic castles, and mighty pets. We find the time to help new players.
We grew up on this game, and it's starting to look like we'll still be playing in our 30s. The Spiral has become like our second home.
great story It's nice that you took a moment to remember the friendships made over Wizard101 past.

Hope to see you all in the Spiral!
Nathan GreenEyes 120 PvP Commander

Nathan GreenEyes 110 Couch Potato Hoarder
Ryan HexPyre 104 Always Dying
Nathan GreenEyes 94+ Hot in more ways than one (lol)

(Currently questing through Khrysalis, join me!)

Dec 08, 2010
Hearing stories like this and even being able to meet players like you is always really awesome, because it feels like I actually get to meet a real human being! I have also played this game since around 2009, although today I am still a sophomore like you were when defeating Malistaire. I've come to see the spiral as a place for me to go and always find a great way to have fun, meet people, and enter a virtual reality that feels to real. It's also extremely surreal to become one of the players that everyone looks up to in the commons. I might not be the level 120 wizard with everything a player could ever find at my fingertips, but I still can't believe that people look at me the same way that I would look at other powerful wizards long ago.

Sep 25, 2012
thelastdiviner on Mar 5, 2017 wrote:
great story It's nice that you took a moment to remember the friendships made over Wizard101 past.

Hope to see you all in the Spiral!
Nathan GreenEyes 120 PvP Commander

Nathan GreenEyes 110 Couch Potato Hoarder
Ryan HexPyre 104 Always Dying
Nathan GreenEyes 94+ Hot in more ways than one (lol)

(Currently questing through Khrysalis, join me!)
You've been making quite a name for yourself on these forums. I'll see you in Khrysalis soon enough

Mar 25, 2011
supersaiyanunlimit... on Mar 6, 2017 wrote:
You've been making quite a name for yourself on these forums. I'll see you in Khrysalis soon enough
For sure

Hope to see you all in the Spiral!
Nathan GreenEyes 120 PvP Commander
Nathan GreenEyes 110 Couch Potato Hoarder
Ryan HexPyre 104 Always Dying
Nathan GreenEyes 100+ Hot in more ways than one (lol)
(Currently questing through Khrysalis, join me!)

Jan 30, 2014
That moment when my sis was joking, tried it, then I did, and we got addicted .

Alexis the pea hoarder (yes I hoard snow peas, questing in Dragonspyre [Pryomancers tomb]JOIN ME!!!!!!)

Feb 07, 2011
hmm, interesting story... funny how, despite our different paths, we all ended up in the same place.

i was introduced to wizard101 by a former boyfriend, who was trying deperately and failing to get me into "real" games like wow and swtor... so we started questing together. i found myself enjoying it, we got memberships, and (around level 30 or so), he quit. but i kept going... he said (and i quote): "it was supposed to be a gateway to get you into real mmos, but it backfired and now you actually like the game".)

we broke up just after the release of azteca (i remember this because i was too stoked about malistaire's return to care lol). that was almost 5 years ago, and i'm still here!

this game remains the only good thing i got out of that relationship, and i'll likely be here in some capacity until i'm in the ground... at which point i'll crawl out of my grave to play.)
