Sometimes, it seems like I notice all sorts of tiny little things changing in the game without any official announcement about it.
What are some of the things you noticed recently?
I had this exact conversation with some friends a few weeks ago. I don't remember what the exact issue was that got us talking, but I'll post it here if I ever remember what it was.
(if brynnerofreign sees this post, perhaps she can jog my memory)
When my original wizard which is Life started fizzling at a pretty regular rate, I was questing in the Ky PT 1, I had a feeling something in the game was changed. When someone said "wow a Life that Fizzles" you know others were noticing also. I have since found it's not because of the level, school or world I am in. My Balance, which I had been guesting more regular with, became a nightmare in AZ, I was fizzling every fight up to 3 times in a row in mob fights, I turned her loose to garden. I moved to questing mainly with an Ice wizard which since I did build a little accuracy into wasn't as bad. While trying to get to level 98 for the pet I noticed that not one battle, minion or boss when as planned or smoothly, between fizzles, stuns, blocks, shields, randoms joining and fleeing I was glad I was only there for level 98. She is my pet processor now.
There are other small things in the game which I just ignore but that's the one that I have noticed the most.
Sometimes knowing about a change isn't a good thing though. After all my long time with Spritely I was disappointed when that was adjusted, it seemed to render some of my best pets useless and we all know what came next - the other healing MC's that I just finally got into the gene pool of my pets - ugh. I really can't complain though I obtained these talents free accept for the original Fierce Hound that came with the bundle.
Clearly as the game progresses things must be adjusted because how else with content become more difficult?
Maybe the longer you play the game the more annoyed or critical you get with even the slight changes or inconsistencies that you didn't seem to have to deal with before, I don't know? Maybe it's because as the game expands more and more becomes a matter of luck and it gets old?
- Adding where-did-these-come-from, and you-can't-train-these-spells in the very low areas
- Not as much spamming of weakness by the enemy in some lower areas, including Dragonspyre.
- Reagent drops from daily harvests and elder plants have been reduced (to me, dramatically). Since I plant mostly EMPs and KPs, aether, sunstone, black pearl, and diamond doesn't drop nearly as much as it used to. I might even add amber to the list as well.
- Drops of anything in the lower levels. It used to be you got a ton of stuff, including pink dandelions quite a bit. I have a second account, and I've got 1 mid-level and 5 low-level wizards. I've noticed the lack of drops quite a bit compared to when I took my first account through.
- Area changes, like the lake/pond in the commons.
- Water looks different at houses and game areas than it used to. Color/consistency/flow, or whatever it is, is different.
I know there's more, but that's what I could come up with at the moment ........
Sometimes, it seems like I notice all sorts of tiny little things changing in the game without any official announcement about it.
What are some of the things you noticed recently?
Nowadays you can cast a 1-pip spell like Spirit Blade with sacrificing a power pip.
For e.x., you have 3 pips, a pip and after that, in line, a power pip. Pips are taken by spells right to left, and when you cast a spell like spirit blade when you had 3 pips (a pip and after that, in line, a power pip), it would take the whole power pip, because the power pip was more to the right side than the pip.
Now, even though it isn't in order, you can cast a 1-pip spell in that situation without losing an entire power pip.
~ Miranda Thunder Gem Level 86 "If you're born poor, it's not your mistake. But if you die poor, it's your mistake."
The text "Red Barn Farm" is no longer listed as a plant like, but is replaced by "This House." Seems to indicate that other houses will have gardening benefits in the future, no?
I noticed that in the update with the fishing, the menu chat for when you do battles is a lot different. And there's new sayings, like "We need to change our strategy."
House object height attributes have changed with the last update, in such a way that it can interfere with gardening. Heads up.
Placed objects seem to have a bigger "sphere of presence" that keeps me from planting in long-standing plot gardens. The new update is the cause.
Additionally, your wizard character can now X harvest a slightly taller height than before, which can be a problem if you have hanging/suspended seed likes above your garden. Again, the new update is the cause.
I noticed two big changes, not stated in the recent Dungeons updates:
Spells have all been changed to be slightly faster since Darkmoor was implemented. (Tempest, however, has a strange new pause between the end of a wave-crash animation and the beginning of the next. It's a bit abrupt compared to the previous version of Tempest.)
There evidently was a graphical update in Celestia. The portal stones lining the portals have changed, and now appear to feature Celestian writing in the columns. Inactive Stellar Protector locations were changed. Also, the monolith that used to block out the entire floor in the District of the Stars has been shrunk to a much tinier size.
That's what I've noticed so far. I wish KI would tell us if there are graphical updates going on. I'd be excited to know about it, honestly.