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Is this reportable?

Jan 14, 2011
I recently was walking through the commons when I heard some people picking on a kid, saying things like, "dirty immigrant" and "go back to your country, trash."

I have also seen people pick on other people who chose a dark skin tone for their wizard.

Are racist comments reportable?

Haley Fairygarden
Level 37 Life/Fire Wizard

Answers are here:

We appreciate that our players want to make Wizard City the best it can be, and we've placed the tools in your hand to report players for inappropriate behavior. We ask that you use the reporting feature to identify truly egregious behavior, such as creative profanity (swearing around the filters), solicitation of usernames/passwords, predatory threats, racist comments and other such actions as outlined in the Terms of Use. The old story of “the kid that cried wolf” has a lot of bearing in this situation and we trust that all reports received by players are valid and require support intervention.
