Merle ambroses school!, and if its not any of ours, then make one up! mine would be light magic, he didint want to teach shadow magic, so he must be the oposite, and when he teleports back in the tutorial he dosent have a specicfic element teleport, what could it be?
Who knows maybe he's balance seeing as balance encompasses all other schools.
true, true, but i still think he is like some weird new school that was so powerful that just he could study it and that everyone else that tried EXPLODED! oops sorry, going i bit crazy there
Merle ambroses school!, and if its not any of ours, then make one up! mine would be light magic, he didint want to teach shadow magic, so he must be the oposite, and when he teleports back in the tutorial he dosent have a specicfic element teleport, what could it be?
isaac goldheart lvl 23
could it be everything!
Actually I think he would be light magic to! Light magic will probably be a "thing" because I think there is one badge that says "child of light and shadow" or something like that. That pretty much shows that there is a possibility that Merle Ambrose will be the light magic school :)
now that i ask this, anybody else think merle ambrose is merlin? i dont know it just came to me and its kinda a bit clear since merle is kinda like merlin, adn merlins story started in midevil times ( aka avalon because he is from there ) what do you think
now that i ask this, anybody else think merle ambrose is merlin? i dont know it just came to me and its kinda a bit clear since merle is kinda like merlin, adn merlins story started in midevil times ( aka avalon because he is from there ) what do you think
Of course that's the basis for the character. Merlin Ambrosius is the name given to him by Geoffrey of Monmouth in the History of the Kings of Britain.