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How do you get spells from other schools.

Oct 10, 2013
So i have already posted this question but i posted it on wizardcity message board for some reason and i don't think its gonna show. But anyways so the subject is a little misleading i did not have enough space to write down the entire question, the question whas how do you get spells from other schools but in you're school. So what i mean by this is when i have been leveling through wizard101 i have seen spells being cast like storm shark (or what its called i dont remember) but instead its fire rather than storm, so how do i get these cards for my wizard, do i have to craft the spell or something if so where do i get recipies for some of them?

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
It depends on the spell. Some like the Fire shark spell that you are mentioning are only available as TC (unless their is pet that has it I don't know.) There are a few Sun Spells that are available from a Trainer in Celestia that are Transmutation. So you can turn Ice Wyvern into a Fire Wyvern (I have that one) or a Sprite into a Midnight Sprite (that too). However as a general rule, transmuted cards are only available as TCs.

Here are a list of Mutate Spells most of which are treasure cards that are dropped, but occasionally you find at the Bazaar.

Here is a link to the Mutate Master guy that can sell you certain mutate spells that are trainable for 1 Training Point each.

Hopefully that helps!

Aug 03, 2016
I went to the library in the Commons. I bought spells I liked. Then I used training points to train the spells, at the Ravenwood schools for those spells.

It will use training points which are hard to get. So pick and choose wisely. (You can buy any cards, but to add them usually takes a training spell.)

Others correct me please if I'm wrong or missed anything.

Oct 10, 2013