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How come the Wizard101 online game cards can't be

Sep 25, 2008
I know most is for US, but is there any shop that would sell online to international customers. I enjoy this game and how come Toys R US show stores near my area but it is not on their system? Also I try looking for it on the US website and they don't reply to your email when you enquire about it.

I have to call the head office in Australia, but they said they get stuff a month later but I'm going to ask anyway, as it has been more than a month.

Is there a way to buy these wizard101 gift cards if not in US?

If so, can someone either tell me how or buy me one? It won't be a scam, because I let the person buying me the card if they want treasure cards for it or not. One friend got me the red dragon and did not want anything for it.

Now I just need to find people to buy me cards. I would like the Burnzilla pet which I will redeem in October or the Sporty Dragon which I will redeem in October as well. So either Best Buy or Toys R US please. Even if you purchase it now, the redeem will not be until October, so I get the right pet.

Remember, it is not when you purchase, it is when you redeem, right?
Please reply,


Currently the distributor for the Gift Cards is a USA only based company.

Be careful buying things like this off of services such as ebay, caveat emptor as they say.

And yes you are correct, the pet you get depends on when you redeem the card on the website, and not when you purchase the card.
