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false reports

Jul 28, 2016
idk if there is a topic on this or not but here is the memo.
people get false reported all the time and end up on these "WatchLists" or whatever or get banned when they did nothing and I was wondering if KI watches out for the false reports like they do because I was discussing it with someone and out of the blue (You Have been Reported) when I was having a harmless discussion with him. Is there any way to alleviate these false reports so that it doesn't like go on our record or anything because I would really hate if I suffered for Reporting someone for good reason, and they revenge report me.

thanks for anyone who replies

Jan 18, 2010
PolarbearX10 on Dec 26, 2016 wrote:
idk if there is a topic on this or not but here is the memo.
people get false reported all the time and end up on these "WatchLists" or whatever or get banned when they did nothing and I was wondering if KI watches out for the false reports like they do because I was discussing it with someone and out of the blue (You Have been Reported) when I was having a harmless discussion with him. Is there any way to alleviate these false reports so that it doesn't like go on our record or anything because I would really hate if I suffered for Reporting someone for good reason, and they revenge report me.

thanks for anyone who replies
Threads like these come up about at least twice a month.

False Reporting is a known issue, it usually occurs to what I've seen:

  • Persons who PvP
  • People who constantly talk out loud (instead of private chatting) in crowded realms (This is where you fell under)
  • Persons who hang around the Arena afk and likewise within the Commons in Wizard City
  • People who are the envy of others.

I'm not sure of the details to which is paid to when someone is reported but if any harm has befallen you, be sure to email KI outlining your queries.

May 25, 2016
I understamd how you feel. Some people also use "I'm gonna report you" as a threat and it can scare people. Just today this "friend" of mine said he was gonna spam report me so my account gets banned just because I told him I don't wanna tell some girl to stay out of his life. Now I'm terrified I'm gonna get banned :(

I hope KI does really look over the fasle reports bc using it as a threat is very scary.

Aug 03, 2016
Send in a ticket about it to support.

I was false reported like my first week. I wasn't even talking with anyone. I was behind a building in the commons looking in the crown shop, shopping.

They told me not to worry that they can see everything that happened.

Keep in mind if someone is false reporting people they can get into trouble for that.

Oct 29, 2011
I seem to get reported whenever I report someone. Although one time I was muted and I sent in a ticket. KingsIsle replied to me with the response you said these certain things so now you are banned. I didn't say anything against the rules or anything. Anyways, I just dealt with it. It was only a few days after all.

Feb 07, 2011
PolarbearX10 on Dec 26, 2016 wrote:
idk if there is a topic on this or not but here is the memo.
people get false reported all the time and end up on these "WatchLists" or whatever or get banned when they did nothing and I was wondering if KI watches out for the false reports like they do because I was discussing it with someone and out of the blue (You Have been Reported) when I was having a harmless discussion with him. Is there any way to alleviate these false reports so that it doesn't like go on our record or anything because I would really hate if I suffered for Reporting someone for good reason, and they revenge report me.

thanks for anyone who replies
if you did not break any rules, you have nothing to worry about.

kingsisle support checks all chat logs before sanctioning someone. i've been false reported many times, for various reasons (having my ports off, not helping someone immediately because i'm busy, refusing to gift people who beg for crowns) and nothing has ever come of it because those are not reportable offenses.

"I got reported":


read this for more info.


May 25, 2016
Lol another reason of false report is bc "I just don't like you"

This guy just reported and blocked me bc in his eyes I was Obsessed with him. XD