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Do-it-yourself quests?

Jan 30, 2015
Greetings fellow wizards!

Does anyone else create "do it yourself" quests to take a break from the story line or for after finishing Polaris?

For example, I am currently taking a break from questing in Dragonspyre to get all of the statue drops in WC through Dragonspyre to decorate my houses. It means lots of farming just a few bosses, but I'm enjoying it for now. On my max level, I am working on a key bosses quest where I have to defeat them all with a key I bring to the dungeon, which means farming for keys, then going to the key rooms.

If you have others, what are they?

Marcus G

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
Yeah, I've been trying to find some more Wooden Skeleton keys to fight Ra with etc. I also sometimes look for certain housing items. And it's my eternal quest to always try and find more Amber (before it was sunstones).