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Defeat and Collect Quests Probability

Feb 04, 2013
We all have had our share of defeat and collect quests but I don't think any of us understand them. My guess is it is done by probability, a random role of the die between percents, and if the die rolls the percentage or under then you collect but if it goes over then you don't collect. The one thing that's difficult to understand is if different mobs have different percentages. I feel like a few defeat and collect quests are easy, but some can take an hour. That goes to wondering if they are all 50% or if some are 80% and some are 20%. Personally the more and less makes more sense to me then everyone's 50%. Can anyone answer this for me?

Jun 17, 2011
I'm afraid we cannot. it is 100% random.

Jul 24, 2011
I have no idea. Whenever I do one I get it my first try so I don't know.

Cole GoldenFlame, Level 37 Pyromancer

Jul 02, 2009
The more enemies the more higher your probability because you have more chances of hitting the "magic" number. It is like winning a cake at a guess and win. The more guesses you buy the greater your chances of winning. If there are four chances at winning the cake and you buy 3. The chance of winning is better because your number has a higher chance of being right. The computer at the end of a battle will do it's check for the number of enemy circles filled. If you fill all four, it will run the check four times. Yes, it is a random number checked 4 times and the greater the chance of getting the item and it checks each player in the battle. Defeat quests are easier because it just adds the number of enemy circles filled. Defeat quests are easier than collect quests because you know how many times you need to fight.

Aug 25, 2013
There is no way of knowing the percentage of drops for quest but the same is true of every battle in Wizard101.

For example, when battling bosses in Waterworks or any of the Aquila dungeons, there are certain drops that are more desired than others (rare gear, pets, or even mega snacks) and these items have a drop rate less than that of the other items.

I just recently farmed out the spell "Samoorai" for my girlfriend on her balance character from the Mooshu boss "Shoji". It took exactly 200 tries for me to get the drop. By theory of a drop "rate" that would mean that the percentage of likeliness that someone would obtain that spell would be 0.5%. However, I am aware that some people have gotten this spell in far fewer times.

In the end, though there may be a formula of some sort that equates the chances of you receiving a drop (whether for quests or farming) in the end it is simply chance. Sometimes you're lucky, sometimes you're not

John RavenCatcher - lvl95
John StormWalker - lvl95
John DragonPyre - lvl48
John FrostShard - lvl34

Aug 10, 2010
I can't say my observations are 100% correct but this is what I have noticed:

Defeat & Collect (D&C) get harder as you progress. As you go on, you defeat a lot more and collect a lot less

D&C is much harder in side quests/worlds.

Most of the time, I collect 2 of X in the first fight, then one at a time and the last one takes the longest.
When you're going to collect the last one, more often than not, the first "hit" from the other side will be a spell they haven't used in any of the other fights.

In areas where there are multiple "circles", even though all of the creatures have the same "deck"; which spells they use seems to be influenced by location. If you're getting beaten up, try a different circle; if the fight seemed easy, keep using the same circle.

I haven't documented & studied what happens in each fight and my brain may just be picking out anomalies looking for a pattern.

May 01, 2011
I think the percentage depends on these few things:
1. How much items you are suppose to collect
2. The creature's stats (health and rank)
3. The area and world you are in
To me, everything is just random. Sometimes you just have bad luck or good luck. I know that my storm wizard is facing difficulty collecting things from Kroks, then my death had trouble with the Fire Lions in Savannah (luckily I am in Avalon now!)