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Deck Building help

Oct 30, 2015
Hello. I am a myth wizard.I am level 51 and need help with my deck.In my deck i have storm as my second school and have 2 sun spells and the rest being myth.
Currently in my deck:
5 strongs
5 pixies
5 times of legends
5 minotaurs
5 frogs
5 minotaur minion
5 minotaur
5 myth prism
5 spirit blades
5 orthurus
5 myth blade & trap

In need of help with my deck

Oct 24, 2012
Honestly, you need a training point buyback.
Storm as a secondary is completely useless unless you're ice or life with a mastery amulet. Here's what I suggest:
Train Ice up to Tower Shield, put 5 tower shields in your deck. Train Death up to feint. Put 3 or 4 of those in.
Train Reshuffle. Always have 1 or 2. Those will be in your boss deck. You will eventually have enough points to train life for satyr, but I don't recommend it unless you have life mastery. For your mob deck put 1 myth blade, 1 spirit Blade, and make sure you have a triangle jewel, there's a high level balance boss in District of the stars, have a max friend take you to farm there, he drops blade jewels for all schools. (Also teleporters and the Ice horns hair) but put the jewel blade in the deck. Then put 3 humongofrogs, 3 of your best sun enchantments, and 1 reshuffle. And voila! You are set to take down mobs! Hope this helped.
~Wolf Blood, 89 Necromancer~
~Artur RainbowHeart, 34 Conjurer~

Jul 18, 2010
Are you a member? I am assuming so as you are a higher level but who knows anymore. If so, i'd suggest a training point buyback as someone else did. But don't spend the money on it, just prepare to change when its complementary for those with membership. If you not a member, well, I'm not a good person to ask

Now for the secondary school, don't stick to just one school unless you have the master amulet. Without the amulet they are near pointless, it takes forever to build up the pips and its typically not worth it. As for what you want to train, make sure to get spirit blade again since this does count in the buyback. You can get it from Niles next to the balance school in krokotopia. You dont have to get spirit trap but I suppose you can if you have any points left over (which I haven't seen much). After this, training up to tower shield would help for boss battles. You won't need these in your mob fighting deck. Next, reshuffle is your best friend. This can be extremely helpful in those long, drawn out boss fights when your deck won't cooperate. This is the one time i'll say you don't need the amulet for this 4 pip spell. You CAN go train death for feint but I can't really tell you if its worth it, my characters death and my balance secondary is death. As for anything else, keep training points on hand for when you can the enchantments such as gargantuan and colossal.

Now, I can't really aid you in the building part, I believe the best way is to modify it so it works for you. Not every deck someone suggests will work for you. My decks that work for myself were built over a period of timing, testing them out in battle. Try looking some up online (or getting suggestions from people) and work off of those. Although I will say, make sure to have 2 seperate decks for mob fights and boss battles. Having just one can get a little messy. I hope this helped at least some

~Hannah GhostHeart Level78~
~Daniel ShadowHeart Level 43~

Jan 11, 2012
Lockha12 on Mar 22, 2016 wrote:
Hello. I am a myth wizard.I am level 51 and need help with my deck.In my deck i have storm as my second school and have 2 sun spells and the rest being myth.
Currently in my deck:
5 strongs
5 pixies
5 times of legends
5 minotaurs
5 frogs
5 minotaur minion
5 minotaur
5 myth prism
5 spirit blades
5 orthurus
5 myth blade & trap

In need of help with my deck
way too many cards. If you want one deck to do everything for you, bosses and mobs, try this setup:

2 sun school damage enhancers (the highest one you can get at whatever your currently level is, throughout the game)
2 pixie (satyr when you get that high, only with mastery)
1 humungofrog/earthquake
1 single enemy hit (your preference, but never above 8 or 9 pips)
2 reshuffle
tc mythblade

get a pet that gives an item card mythblade (myth beast, lil medusa)
at L56 craft the wintertusk gear for a second itemcard mythblade

This way, you can stack 4 blades, for free (no pip cost), throughout the game and build pips for attacks. This worked perfectly for my myth, and I had a life mastery for satyrs