Outside a dungeon, they tell us approximately how long the dungeon will take. Is this for if you want to solo it? Also, is it estimating how long it will take for a certain level wizard? Thanks.
Outside a dungeon, they tell us approximately how long the dungeon will take. Is this for if you want to solo it? Also, is it estimating how long it will take for a certain level wizard? Thanks.
Neela Lotusflower Legendary
Saffron Sandsword Adept
I find that the times listed tend to be overestimated for me. It really depends on how many wizards go in and the experience level of the wizards. Mirror Lake for example says it takes about 2 hours. It probably took me about that long my first time through because I died several times. Now it takes me about 30 minutes to solo it. So it really depends on the player. It's just a ballpark average for an inexperienced wizard of appropriate level for that dungeon.
Outside a dungeon, they tell us approximately how long the dungeon will take. Is this for if you want to solo it? Also, is it estimating how long it will take for a certain level wizard? Thanks.
Neela Lotusflower Legendary
Saffron Sandsword Adept
I think they're are just an average. I've found most estimates to be longer than it actually takes. It really depends on the wizard, school, if you are soloing, doing it for the first time, etc. Too many variables are possible.
I think they are based simply on the number of fights - not the difficulty of fights. Accordingly, they become increasingly inaccurate the higher you go (it takes a 10th level wizard fighting in his or her weight class far less time to knock out opponents than it does an 80th level wizard).
I find that if I can complete a dungeon at all, I usually take a little less than the recommended time (maybe 75-90%) for a first run through when I'm figuring things out. Once I've figured out how things work, repeat runs take maybe half the recommended time. Thats for solo. With a group, some are quicker, but more often a group takes longer than solo. A few dungeons I can't complete solo and have to recruit help.
Mostly I just take the warnings as a general guide. If a warning says this dungeon will take an hour and a half but another says only 30 minutes, I can count on the 30 minute one taking less time.