Whenever I do Mount Olympus there's usually a 90+ wizard waiting for his/her friends to teleport to him/her for the Alpha and Omega Ring. Well I sometimes go with them at the last second. And when I do I help buff, heal, and defeat the minions. This didn't happen this week or the one before. I was soo busy playing Minecraft that I forgot that today might be the last day I would be able to post. I was doing this with my death and I survived the whole battle. This was my first time with my death so wasn't expecting really good. When the battle ended i saw the ring icon. That ring was the Alpha and Omega Ring So I was wondering should i feed it to my pet or save it until one of my other wizards hit 90 and use that wizard extra time to get the Blade of the Felled Titan. It gives me extra time for that but takes away the fun too. I don't get frustrated whenever I don't get the 5+ item I wanted to get from boss. The Alha and Omege Ring is an ultra-rare item and i got it at the first time so i'm not sure what to do with it.
P.S. I am new to the advatar thing so i will try write anotherm post to see if my experiment works. I am only going to put my main wizard.
Whenever I do Mount Olympus there's usually a 90+ wizard waiting for his/her friends to teleport to him/her for the Alpha and Omega Ring. Well I sometimes go with them at the last second. And when I do I help buff, heal, and defeat the minions. This didn't happen this week or the one before. I was soo busy playing Minecraft that I forgot that today might be the last day I would be able to post. I was doing this with my death and I survived the whole battle. This was my first time with my death so wasn't expecting really good. When the battle ended i saw the ring icon. That ring was the Alpha and Omega Ring So I was wondering should i feed it to my pet or save it until one of my other wizards hit 90 and use that wizard extra time to get the Blade of the Felled Titan. It gives me extra time for that but takes away the fun too. I don't get frustrated whenever I don't get the 5+ item I wanted to get from boss. The Alha and Omege Ring is an ultra-rare item and i got it at the first time so i'm not sure what to do with it.
P.S. I am new to the advatar thing so i will try write anotherm post to see if my experiment works. I am only going to put my main wizard.
Andrew BattleBlade Lv 35 or 36 still doing Krok
Save it until one of your wizards gets to Level 90. It took me 30 tries to get that ring and it gets me mad when my friends take 2-5 tries getting it Also I bet that the other people that went in with you were mad that you got it and they didn't
I would keep it until later. It is relatively hard to get, and you might have difficulties obtaining it later if you feed it to your pet now. The feeding rewards will probably not be as good as the ring either.
I've got like two of em and I got them pretty easily but whenever I tell people what I got after the battle is over they go wow your so lucky so i would save it if I were you.