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Advice on redeeming bundle and transfer-ability

Nov 26, 2017

I've just brought my first bundle - the Avalon Outlaw Bundle. Before I redeem I want to make sure I understand the transfer-ability of items in the bundle. I have more than one wizard and was thinking of the different items in the bundle to be useful for my different wizards, or be 'handed down' to my other wizards at a later date.

If I redeem the items with one of my wizard, can I transfer the items between my wizards through my shared bank? or are the items non transferable? or does is it different for each item (eg mount transferable but not outfit)?

The items in the bundle are:

- House - Outlaw's Refuge
- Outfit - Dashing Outlaw Gear
- Mount - Vulpine Avenger's Mount
- Pet - Fairyfly Pet
- Wand - Ranger Marksman Bow
- Elixir - Additional Castle Elixir

Any advice on redeeming items and their transfer-ability?

Thanks in advance

A+ Student
Dec 11, 2010
The items will appear in a gift window for individual items.

House can be transferred if empty
and everything else can except the elixir