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We are fixing PvP, Right here Right now.

Jul 18, 2009
I'm sick of PvP the way it is today. And we all know every complaint and what needs to happen and all that. Here goes, short and simple:

1. Dispels now don't count for mastery amulets. Ex. you have a life mastery amulets, Life dispel will take 2 power pips instead of one, or 2 normal pips. This will be to prevent spam dispelling.

2. Nerf the ice gear. Nobody will be satisfied until the storm and fire resist is toned down and you know it even if you like the ice gear the way it is today.

3. Make Enfeeble treasure cards. Helped to prevent bladestacking

4. 4 blade limit per hit. Stack all you want but one hit till only use the last 4 blades you've put on yourself. This is to prevent 5+ huge bladestackiing

5. Give Death and Life 4 pip AOE's

6. Monitor your matches, Kingsisle. Get after the kids that trash talk, and give them a warning. Take control of your arena, and restore peace, please.

7. Tone down the spritely and MC unicorn casts on the pets. Ever faced a team where they are only good and still alive because their pets go crazy? and your pets just sit there, and do nothing, when they have the same stats... Yeah it stinks.

8. Make smokescreen unstackable. let's say you use the -45% treasure then the -40% on the same round, only the -45% will go into effect that round, the -40% will follow after. This will stop smokescreen spamming and not allowing the opponent to make a single move due to unlimited fizzles.

9. Make Warlord Gear people will actually want to use and buy. Not the cheap stuff.

10. Edit the matching system so that you get matched with people that are the same level as your highest level partner. Therefore if you try to puppet with a level 1 and 80, you'll end up with 2 level 80's. Puppeting should be eliminated pretty fast :)

Please think about these with a lot of thought. Don't give the cold shoulder just cause you dont like something right away, give it a bit.

Please please please respond, no matter what your opinion is.

Thank you,

-Jack Flame

Feb 24, 2009
1. Dispels now don't count for mastery amulets. Ex. you have a life mastery amulets, Life dispel will take 2 power pips instead of one, or 2 normal pips. This will be to prevent spam dispelling.
Um? Are you cray cray? Sorry, but if you cant beat 'em, join 'em.

2. Nerf the ice gear. Nobody will be satisfied until the storm and fire resist is toned down and you know it even if you like the ice gear the way it is today.
While I even hate it, (And do want the storm and fire resist toned about 10%) you have to consider the ice wizards and how they will react. Plus you can beat them.

3. Make Enfeeble treasure cards. Helped to prevent bladestacking
Err... Sure?
4. 4 blade limit per hit. Stack all you want but one hit till only use the last 4 blades you've put on yourself. This is to prevent 5+ huge bladestackiing
*facepalm* Really? This bothers you?

6. Monitor your matches, Kingsisle. Get after the kids that trash talk, and give them a warning. Take control of your arena, and restore peace, please.
Hall monitors... Nuff said

5. Give Death and Life 4 pip AOE's
You've got to be kidding me. I mean, they only got massive heals and steal health spells!

7. Tone down the spritely and MC unicorn casts on the pets. Ever faced a team where they are only good and still alive because their pets go crazy? and your pets just sit there, and do nothing, when they have the same stats... Yeah it stinks.
If you cant beat em, join em. If your pet does nothing, then it's your luck.

As for the rest... I don't like any of them except the puppet teaming one. Sorry, just my 2 cents :P

Jul 18, 2009

LOL, your post made me laugh. It's people like you who ruin the arena in the first place. You think 5+ bladestacking is ok?

Also, Join spam dispellers? Even if I wanted to, I'd have to have first turn, it doesnt work from 2nd. Besides telling people to join them will just create more problems. Dur Da DUrrr..

ICE WIZARDS, will have to deal with their gear nerf, they even know themselves deep down its to powerful.

This one made me laugh most of all, "Join em! And if your pets dont cast, its your luck." LOL thats exactly the issue, Arena becoming luck shouldnt be happening, thats not what its about. ALL pets should cast about the same.

And I am 1000% positive on making enfeeble treasure cards. They have beguile treasures, dont they?

And your all for smokescreen spamming? Your post honestly shows so much about you its not even funny.

It's people like you that rely on first turn and luck to win everything.

Sorry for my rant, just makes me mad.

-Jack Flame

May 03, 2009
I agree Jack Enfeeble Tc- Absolutely.
About the blade stacks- Sorry Bro Wrong...That would prevent One in a Million.
And yes there are pets that cast sprite to times in one round- And Mine sits there with its eyes crossed.
Unicorn Pets- Hmm..I hate em. But don't ban them it can cause everyone to come back to life! :D
Puppet teams- We have all done it. At least once? o;
And our trash talkers- Get them outta here. Log out cry to your mama if you mad cause someone pwnd you.
Ice Gear- I hate it. Allot. But its beatable...keep it so the ice people can have a fair chance against storm o;
Smoke screen spamming- I disagree...my accuracy is terrible so i'd rather them all go off in one round so I probably) won't fizzle the next round.
But I have something to add- Why the heck not give balance accuracy? I fizzle to much. :P
PS: forgot the warlord stuff- so yea..make warlord stuff kick the commander stuff and make something that high levels will buy with their tickets. :D

Some good ideas you got there Jack. But Enfeeble is the best. :D