Perfectly true! I got member ship for the fact that crowns can spent on things that last forever, like robes, wands, Houses, ect. I do at least want to see the idea of high gold cost added, at least to ranked pvp, so those poorer players dont waste crowns they rarely get on pvp, and make them useful by getting more areas/worlds!
I really don't like the fact that tournaments cost Crowns. I think it should cost like 500 Gold. No, I don't think that is cheap. It is a reasonable cost. Plus, many Wizard 101 players aren't Crown users.
Why do tournaments cost crowns? It isn't fair to players whose parents won't let them spend money on crowns, or what if they don't have to money to spend?
I agree this is sad.its sad that it costs money to play a feature that should be free for members and at least 250 for nonmembers. Especially when you feel cheated from the normal PvP. I've tried PvP once and felt cheated on the first day when people 20 levels ahead of one of my lower lvled wizards spammed wild bolt and criticaled every time!
I really don't like the fact that tournaments cost Crowns. I think it should cost like 500 Gold. No, I don't think that is cheap. It is a reasonable cost. Plus, many Wizard 101 players aren't Crown users.
Jared Shadowbreaker Level 58 Life
If we are talking about gold now, I think it should cost-
20 000 gold
You get to participate, you get a chance for good loot and it is half the cost of hatching a good pet. Nobody will really get mad, they'll just farm for gold in vestrilund, maybe mirror lake, or even tartarus and save their crowns.
Members get everything free but tournys - Crowns players who have to pay for everything still pay for tournys. I think it's fair.
Crown players do pay for everything, but they also get it forever. Members have to keep paying every month/year just to keep playing. If a crown player can't buy crowns, they still have access to everything they paid for. Members lose all their access to all areas as soon as they can't pay. There should be a non-crown option for members to participate too, but I would say it should be more like 150-200k gold.
Crown players do pay for everything, but they also get it forever. Members have to keep paying every month/year just to keep playing. If a crown player can't buy crowns, they still have access to everything they paid for. Members lose all their access to all areas as soon as they can't pay. There should be a non-crown option for members to participate too, but I would say it should be more like 150-200k gold.
Crown plays do not get to keep everything forever. If they wanna do Ranked PvP everyday they have to use 240 crowns, which is 7,200 a month, just for pvp. That's more than the cost of a membership. So pretty much on top of having to use 100+ dollars to buy the whole game, they have to still pay more than a membership to play PvP everyday(or for just 21 days). On top of that Tournaments cost more for them. So let's add it up.
Membership Players. Crown Players. ~Buys 5,000 crowns a month for crown items ~Buys 12,200 crowns a month for crown items ~Buys a year membership and Ranked PvP(7,200 for PvP) ~Buys 120,000 crowns to buy all worlds.
=120(sale)or160 dollars a year. =260(sale)or350 dollars for the first year. 180(sale)or240 a year after first year.(about 2 worlds come out a year=more crowns)
So all in all a membership is better if you wanna have more than one account, Ranked PvP, or do tournaments. Crown players is better if all you wanna do is quest.Crown Players that do Rank PvP for more than 20 days in a row get ripped off.